Where to buy RO water


New Member
I recently purchased a 72 Gallon bow front and am looking for some RO water....it this something I can buy at the supermarket??? Roughly how much per gallon???? Thank you in advance for your time!!!!


i dont know where you are, but here in Houston there are water stations, usually in parking lots of supermarkets, etc. they have great RO water ($1.50/5 gal). your LFS may sell just RO water ($.50-$.75/gal), i got razzed by some members on here for buying "used" saltwater from the LFS here ($1.25/gal). sometimes supermarkets have water stations by the front door, or even inside the store. i'm in the market for a RO/DI filter myself now, tired of hauling water. Good Luck!


Here in Fl I go to publix supermarkets where I get .30 cents a gal. It's prob. much more cost effective just to go get an ro unit though.


New Member
If you are doing a freshwater tank, do yourself a favor and use tap water. Just make sure you use declorinator that you can get from the local fish store.

the j.o.p.

ro/di unit. saves :time, money, gas for my car. also i live in an apartment were they don't charge me for water. so i could hook up my friends with water if they asked.


New Member
thanks for the input!!! I will check with the local superkmarkets as I dont think any of those local water places are around in MA....I was also thinking about just going down to the ocean (about 60 min away) and getting the natural stuff.....I just didnt know how much of a scenario that would be!!!


New Member
I doubt that anyone here will support the "ocean water" thingy. Too many pollutants in it, unless there is a spot where you can pick it up that has been filtered (scripps for instance).


Making water is generally much cheaper than buying it. My RO unit was about $150 and I get about 3000 gallons per $75 filter membrane but your mileage will vary depending on your water pressure and quality. My first 3000 gallons ran about $.05 a gallon. Every 3000-gallon filter change after that runs about $100 ($75 membrane, $10 prefilter and $10 carbon) a little over $.03 a gallon and no more trips to tote water. It is hard to beat the price and convenience.
Collecting “free” seawater can be a mixed bag of trouble; seawater close to shore can harbor all manner of chemical pollutants and pathogens. What was a pure seawater source can change character overnight in ways that can’t be easily detected. If you use this method I would encourage you to toss a small Damsel and a couple of hermit crabs or snails into the water you collect for a few days to test its toxicity before you introduce it to your DT


Pardon me if i'm wrong, but doesnt bottled drinking water have added "things". even if it says "spring" or "drinking" water, i thought they add minerals for taste. i dont know of any "pure" water thats sold in stores.

aztec reef

Active Member
yes they do, the "drinking ones" and that's Iron, calcium & magnesium for flavoring. I'm not sure how high they're. But they shouldn't be that high. You can test the water to make sure it is safe..i think anything is better than Tap anyways.


What is ro water??? :thinking:
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Do any of you have a LFS? they should sell it. But is way better to own your unit so look into buying one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chinpokomon
Making water is generally much cheaper than buying it. My RO unit was about $150 and I get about 3000 gallons per $75 filter membrane but your mileage will vary depending on your water pressure and quality. My first 3000 gallons ran about $.05 a gallon. Every 3000-gallon filter change after that runs about $100 ($75 membrane, $10 prefilter and $10 carbon) a little over $.03 a gallon and no more trips to tote water. It is hard to beat the price and convenience.
Collecting “free” seawater can be a mixed bag of trouble; seawater close to shore can harbor all manner of chemical pollutants and pathogens. What was a pure seawater source can change character overnight in ways that can’t be easily detected. If you use this method I would encourage you to toss a small Damsel and a couple of hermit crabs or snails into the water you collect for a few days to test its toxicity before you introduce it to your DT
A ro/di unit will be cheaper in the long run, i agree.
Collecting seawater is not a good idea, i agree.
toss a damsel, crabs, and snails to test for toxicity....i would say this is a terrible idea. i don't understand why you would possibly want to harm the animals to see if the water is ok to use.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dinks
What is ro water??? :thinking:
RO = Reverse osmosis
DI = Deionization
this is a way of purifing water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
yes they do, the "drinking ones" and that's Iron, calcium & magnesium for flavoring. I'm not sure how high they're. But they shouldn't be that high. You can test the water to make sure it is safe..i think anything is better than Tap anyways.
for bottled water is usually distilled or ro/di water before they add elements and vitimins to the water for taste.