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Weight is an issue, but you teach the little ones from early on to leave certain things alone.... Some things are just off limits and not allowed... I have 2 little ones as well!!!!!
weeellll. i'd like to break out a can of whoop___ every time they break something
but sometimes it's kinda hard. i do the major meltdown when they break something :scared:
since last summer. 1 bmw 740 rear window, 2 windows at house. the culprits? car window 4y.o. 1 house window 2.5 y.o. 1 house window 4 y.o. who was told by 13 y.o. brother (while mad)"go ahead throw the rock at me.." and did not catch rock. 13 y.o. took major heat and screams
when i got home from work the next day.
if i had seen 4 yo throw rock at car window, i'd probably be a resident of the CA. Dept of Corrections. i'm glad i'm at work when most of the stuff happens.
rock throwing is occuring less now. a few extra swats to the hind section
always brings out the "daaa get mad if i do this..." thought process.