Where were you? 9/11


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if he can not care for himself without you, you need to look into seeing if he can be in a care facility under medicad. Many more things are covered/paid for when that happens.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I came here expecting to hear how horrible I am. Thanks.
You made my day.
For serious. You did.

Awesome. Glad I could help!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I came here expecting to hear how horrible I am. Thanks.
Unless this board has changed GREATLY in my 3 month absence then you have NOTHING to fear... your father and family made a huge sacrifice for our country.
Not sure what else I can say, except thank you.
EDIT: In a related story, I just got back from my second trip to Australia... I love the USA and all, but dang that's a beautiful place!


Active Member
I'm sure it has greatly changed, since I regularly get flamed by people because of my political outlook on things.


I was at home asleep when it happened. (I worked the night shift) I awoke to my Dad pounding on my door. He tried to call me, but when I am asleep... Anyway, he drove across town to tell me what had happened. We turned on the TV and winessed the second plane crash into the wtc. I will never forget all of the mixed emotions... Horror, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Sorrow, and a closeness to every other living being that I never felt before. I cried, I sat stunned, and then it all went through me again when we heard of the Pentagon, and the HEROS that took the plane down in a feild in Pa. I have always thought I was patriotic. But after these attacks on our soil, it hit me what the meaning of patriotism is. It is the love of America, it's people, and the gratitude to those that have lost thier lives, and those who returned safe to protect our freedom. I agree, our government is far from perfect, but our people... Our people are damn good people. Soooooo many Heros. I did not know a soul that was a victim of 9/11. But in my heart they were all my brothers and sisters. I cried for them, thier families, and cursed Bin Ladden for such a horriffic act on our people. That day changed me, and not a day goes by that I don't think of all the loss. I pray for everyone touched by the horror of that day, and pray that such an event shall never happen again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeffreak9
I can't beleive I have'nt seen this yet............. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
reef, thanks for your wonderful posts. They are heart felt and very well said. I agree on how you put what patriotism is. Unlike some people in this great Nation, that take FREE hand outs and cry about not getting more and have never done anything for this country. Enough said on that.


Thank you hot883! One of the great things that I love about our country is all the diversity in our people. And with all that diversity, you can't please everyone. But, one constant should remain the same: If your happy with our leaders decisions or not, never let it dwindle your love of our people, or your gratitude to those that have fought for our freedom! I am proud to be an American, even though I don't quit agree with alot of things our leaders do and say.


umm.. this is like 2 weeks old but thought its 2:30 in the morning, why not reply.

I had just gotten to my squadron when it all went down. About 30 min after it all happened.... the base went into the highest lock down i have ever seen. I was called into a briefing about 4 hours later, and was told pack your bags. Not 72 hours after the plane hit the tower... i was standing in Afghanistan holding my m4 and my 9 mm... wondering holy crap... what just happenened? I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. I subsquently spent the next 4 years deployed in either afghanistan or iraq.
After comming back from afghanistan i was asked by a couple protestors why I would go all the way over to the other side of the world to be a murder.... How I coould go to war against someone who only crashed a couple planes.... and as I took a really deep breath (because I wanted to tackle that damn goup of hippies)... I gave them a quote that the guys in my squadron have adopted as our saying....."People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell
I am proud to live in a country where you and your children have the ability to speak their mind. Where you can choose what religion you wish, and have the freedom to become anything you want to be. As I may not agree at all... not one bit of what the damn smelly hippie said.... He was doing the exact thing that the men and women he was protesting fought, bled, and died to protect. Its those simple freedoms many people take for granted.
Its amazing how the bad deeds of a handfull of people from a country on the other side of the world, could completly change the course and lives of hundreds and thousands of people in a spilt second.
Anyway... sorry to vent a little. I am sitting here at 3 in the morning watching my tank crash. Stupid bubble coral..... i think the taliban invented ammonia spikes just to piss me off....


New Member
At work, in NJ. From my job you could see the smoke. I remember it liek it was yesterday. One of the detailers came runnin in and told us all that a plane hit the tower.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Joshh81
. Not 72 hours after the plane hit the tower... i was standing in Afghanistan holding my m4 and my 9 mm... wondering holy crap... what just happenened? I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. I subsquently spent the next 4 years deployed in either afghanistan or iraq.
After comming back from afghanistan i was asked by a couple protestors why I would go all the way over to the other side of the world to be a murder.... How I coould go to war against someone who only crashed a couple planes.... and as I took a really deep breath (because I wanted to tackle that damn goup of hippies)... I gave them a quote that the guys in my squadron have adopted as our saying....."People sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell

Thank you for your service!!
My cousin is a Commander in the Navy......2 weeks later he was in Bahrain wondering the same thing. (he was thinking of retiring right before 9-11)
this country is full of ignorant people........they are so ignorant that they don't even know the price of their freedom to stand and protest :mad: .


I was going ot school. when idrove into the parking lot i saw this guy driving around with an american flag. He had it coming out of the back of his truck and it was a big one. At the time i saw it i didn't know what he was doing so i kinda looked at the situation and shrugged it off. when i came into class the professor told us what had happened and my throat fell into my stomach literally. He hooked up the cable and we watched the news, at the time we watched the news we saw the second plane hit...... it still brings tears to my eyes. i gotta stop....... RIP beloved inocent people.


I was in Bonaire leading a dive trip. We were scheduled to go home 9/12. We had just had a magnificent last dive of the trip, interacting with all kinds of wonderful creatures, and had played with a pod of dolphins with our boat wake. We were on a huge high as we pulled into the dock. Then someone came running down the ramp screaming "America is being bombed!" Someone said "you're kidding!" Another said "look at her face, does she look like she's kidding?" The woman was white and shaking. I asked where. She said "New York City and DC." Our group was from the DC area and my daughter was there. We ran to the TV to see the horror. One of our group said "well, my brother is in the Army section of the Pentagon. I bet he's gone. Only one thing to do.....go diving" and he went to get back on the dive boat for the afternoon dive. My husband said "I'd better go with him, just in case."
We all tried using phones to get back to the US and see what was up, but of course that was impossible. We got a dial up Internet connection and started sending "we're ok" messages to let our families know we would not be home the next day due to the flights being stopped. Then the outpouring of emotion from the Bonarian people began. It is a Dutch owned island near Venezuela. The manager of the hotel said that we were welcome to stay as long as it takes, at cost. We were given a special "stranded diver" package so that we were able to continue diving so we wouldn't sit and watch the TV all day in despair. "We will not profit from your misery" the manager said. Taxi drivers went to the local Internet cafe to print out American flags to put on their cabs. People would stop us in the streets to tell us how sorry they were that this happened. We felt a connection to the world that day.
We got home 5 days later. It is sad that the connection we felt, with almost the whole world condemning the horror of what happened, no longer exists. Sadder still that 5 years later, it's become a political football used for personal and party gain by both political parties.


I second love......... josh i am so sorry they said that to you..... so i will take a moment to say thank you for protecting me and allowing me to expirience freedom still. In oceanside and all San Diego you know we love our troops and always pray you guys will come home safe.


I third it. It is possible to be against the war in Iraq and still support the troops, appreciating the service they provide to freedom and to this country. I always hope for their safety, vote for those politicians who want to provide more safety equipment for them, protect their health care and family benefits, and reward them for their sacrifices, both large and small. May they all provide their service with dignity and honor, and in safety for themselves and their families. Thanks for doing what I can't.