Where's Mimzy?


Active Member
I haven't seen her around lately. I miss her input.
Tizzo, you used to stay in touch with her, right? Is she OK?


Active Member
Tizzo....where is Mimzy?
Lovesthesea....what about you? Do you know what happened to her?
Did she sell her stuff and quit? She had a tank in the classifieds a while back.


Active Member
I see her online frequently and I spoke to her about a month ago. At the time she was in the process of starting her own baking business, baking wedding cakes, cookies and the like for parties and what not. She was very busy with that. She had moved and didnt have time to set her tank up. She's hoping to set a bigger tank up eventually but doesnt have the time at the present.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trainfever
I see her online frequently and I spoke to her about a month ago. At the time she was in the process of starting her own baking business, baking wedding cakes, cookies and the like for parties and what not. She was very busy with that. She had moved and didnt have time to set her tank up. She's hoping to set a bigger tank up eventually but doesnt have the time at the present.
Tell her we miss her and wish her the best in her baking endeavor.


Active Member
gosh, I don't know!!! I am in love with her pup Roland.

I hope her new business is sucessful. Maybe someone will tell her to pop in and let us know how she is doing.


Active Member
Hey Guys!!! i'm heeeeeeeere!!! Trainfever told me some1 had asked about me on the forums, but when I tried to pop back in I'd 4gotten my password and didn't get the reset e-mail for like a WEEK. LoL.
I don't have a tank at the moment, but we are currently in the process of buying a house, so my hiatus from s/w may be coming to an end quite soon! I've been mad busy with my new business (I started a custom design cake firm), and now this whole house thing has come up. I'm loosing my mind a little bit with everything going on
- might be nice to get back in2 the groove of things w/y'all - shift my focus for a while, LoL.
Hope everything is well with everyone, thanx 4 thinking of me


Oh thank goodness, cause other than this board I don't "think" I know you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Oh thank goodness, cause other than this board I don't "think" I know you.

LoL, I don't think so either.... but who knows? maybe we both have secret identities and have crossed paths whilst traveling under them!


Active Member
well, thank goodness. Glad to hear all is well.
Gimme some icing

post some pics of your cakes when things settle down


Active Member
oh yes - cake! i forgot u guys wanted to see them. LoL. I actually have to start one tomorrow afternoon. 1st birthdays are HUGE right now. this is the 3rd 1st birthday cake i've got for the summer, and these things are literally wedding-sized. oh well - works for me!

anyhow... um.... since my website is my business, I don't know if I can post it here....
but if you type out
frosted fixation dot com
with no spaces, you'll get there.
the site is under construction at the moment, but you can link to my portfolio anyhow.
lemme know what you guys think! I love feedback!!


Active Member
oh, you can also see my work on Myspace and Facebook
search FrostedFixation and friend me!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i love the whales thats so stinkin freakin cute!
LoL, awesome! yay!! so glad u like them

I love making stuff like that - cute little figurines to top or decorate a cake. This next cake I've got coming up is gonna be AWESOME - it's a castle-shaped cake w/ monsters and stuff. These people actually named their child after a video game character, and I'm making a child-friendly replica of the castle in the game, along with some cuteness-tweaked versions of the demons the character fights. Can't wait!!


Active Member
I LOVE these.

Very creative.
And the fondant hound. He looks yummy.

My wife would never be able to eat them. They would stay in our freezer in a ziploc...preserved for eternity.