which anemone is better?

i am going to get an anemone this weekend and was wondering whether to get a sebae or BTA for my black ocellaris clownfish. i was hoping he would host it, does anyone know which will have a better success rate?


Hey Nate.....How old is your tank, and what type of lighting do you have?
Anemones should never be placed in a tank newer then 6 months, and need excellent lighting
ALSO...it is not gauranteed that a clown will host any anemone....but I would go with the BTA mainly cause I like them better
my tank is 2 months old and i have metal halide lighting. i know that it is not recommended to put the anemone in so soon however i want to be able to put my other clownfish in that i have in my 10 gallon nano without them fighting.


An anemone is not going to prevent clowns from fighting.....are they the same size?
also you are taking a risk with the anemone itself by putting one in too soon
the regular ocellaris is 2 inches and the black ocellaris is 1 inch. i got the regular ocellaris two weeks ago from a friend.
i would want to do that eventually. i want to either do that or get rid of it to a local LFS near us that accepts trade ins if the two will not get along. the reason i believe they will fight is that when they were both in the 10 gallon i had to remove the black ocellaris


Well a 10G is kinda small, and they are probably better off introduced together in that size
BUT......If you add a larger clown to the tank....(from what I read) that will cause an issue


to directly answer your question, from what i know the bta has a better chance although obviously nothing is guarnateed. Like meow said your tank is a little new, not saying you cant keep it alive, its hit or miss but totally up to you. I personally like the look of sebae more but bta has a better chance, and is much hardier
thanks. im thinking that i will just trade in the ocellaris to avoid any problems in the future. i also might wait a couple weeks on the anemone because im sure there are better corals to start with now. what would you guys suggest. im thinking a leather or a ricordea