Which baking soda?


What kind of baking soda do you use to raise the Ph? Mine is around 7.8 and I would like to raise it to aorund 8.2. Any pointers? Thanks.

bang guy

Just my opinion but I believe raising the PH using chemicals is a really bad idea.
There must be a reason why the PH is below 8.0, find the reason and fix the problem.
What's your Alkalinity now?
How much waterflow in the system?
Is your skimmer clogged or dirty?


if your alk is low, you can use baking soda(Sodium bicarbonate) to raise alk. otherwise, as bang said, there is another reason for the pH issue.


Ill search for my problem witht he Ph before I add anything. As for the ALK I am getting a test for it tomorrow I never tested for it before so that right there could be the problem. The flow is 22x's. As for the skimmer I have given up on it for now becuase I had the Seaclone 150 and it just always needed something done to it everyday and for the past few days it was spitting nothing but bubbles out and it just didnt make the tank look nice, pretty much wasnt doing its job, so I am going to see if I could get along without one for now until I get some cash. I know its not reccomended but if I dont have a skimmer what would be the best way to keep good quality water, water changes every week? And if so how much would you reccomend for a 45g?


that's a good Ca reading. i'm curious to see what your alk reading will be.