Which Corals Are Safe To Keep With Angelfish?


I flip-flop almost daily on whether I want my future tank upgrade to be a reef or a FOWLR (and keep my 75g reef going), only because I love large Angels so much.
The fact that Angelfish are not reef-safe, for the most part, is well-documented. But what about a list of corals that have a high success rate with Angels?
I think I've read that SPS tend to be safe. Any suggestions on others?
Maybe we can get a list going.


I used to have a small lemonpeel angel about 2 years ago and he was terrible. LFS said he would be fine but he always nipped at everything and none of my polyps or mushrooms would even open up. It completely destroyed my Xenia also. They will nip at everything that does not sting too much. The only thing he left alone was my anemone. It took me about a month to finally catch him and take him back to the fish pound. I wouldnt trust anything except a flame angel and maybe a coral beauty. I have a flame right now that I have had for about 4 years and he is real mellow. Only nips at the rock.


Active Member
I think it's more a matter of the reverse - what Angels are safe w/ corals. In the end, it's pretty much up to the Angelfish. One Bi-Color (as an example) will destroy the corals where another one won't even sniff at them. My LFS has a Lemonpeel and a Flame in one of their frag tanks. OTOH, I've heard/read horror stories about both of them.
Only Angel I know of that is consistently listed as reef safe is the Japanese Swallow Tail. I do not know this from personal experience, however.


Active Member
Look up Bellus angel......really beautiful and reef safe. One of the only ones that is. Coral beauty and flame are your next choices.

black cobra

My Majestic has shown 0 interest in my zoa's in the week that I've had him. I keep them well fed though also
I think thats the key. Keep them well fed so they dont need to nip


Originally Posted by The_Hadleys
I love coral beauties, I thought they'd desimate our softies though... No troubles at all with them?
NONE...It is neither agressive towards any other fish, and never goes near any of my corals...


Active Member
i think it matters if they are well fed, the size of your tank, and how big they are when you get them.....


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
i think it matters if they are well fed, the size of your tank, and how big they are when you get them.....
Could be...I have a 225g, so space is not an issue
I also feed good too...not too much (Ihope) But I think they are happy


Originally Posted by uneverno
I think it's more a matter of the reverse - what Angels are safe w/ corals.
Actually, the question is which corals can be added to a tank that contains Angels.


my koran angel wiped my zoos real quick! i brought home a nice moon yesterday. it wasnt in the tank 2 minutes before it started picking at it! i'm bummed. i put a hold on it a month ago. it's in my fuge now. probally gonna bring it back to the lfs!
it dosnt touch my torches, shrooms leathers, stars or kenya's.
it really sucks because i love this fish! brought it up from a guppy! i also gotta figure out what it's not gonna destroy( the free way, i hope!) guess it's trial and error with angels!


Originally Posted by meowzer
NONE...It is neither agressive towards any other fish, and never goes near any of my corals...
Cool, thanks... Although I read you have 225g... heh, we might have issues in our 34g.

Maybe when we get our 72g up and running. Thanks anyways, Meowz!