which cucumber


nope royal that isnt the one i got, mine id pure black, he looks like gelliton, when he is in the light it goes "into" him and he looks lighter, and he has little soft spikey bumps all over him, he is great, i love him.
Sorry Harlequinnut i dont think you can have one for CC they actualy "eat" the sand and digest the algae and deterius off of the sand and "poop" it out.
Sorry for the spelling, kinda tired.....:sleepy:


hey n00b, that's the one i have. Very fun too watch....when he wants to move. For some reason mine likes being lazy lately :notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
The Atlantic Black Cucumbers and the Tiger Tails are great. I suggest avoiding the pink & Black and the Yellow ones.

I've had a small yellow one from this site for the past two months. It has done nothing. It hasn't moved since shortly after I added it. It hasn't grown. It's visible in a small depression in my live rock, otherwise I wouldn't even know it was there. Is this normal? The site description describes this type as a filter feeder.
Somewhere I thought I read that this type was less toxic then other cucumbers, especially the sea apples. I am also surprised that swf.com sells it without any mention that it may be toxic. Are the yellow ones really toxic?
I have been running carbon since I read that it may be toxic to limit the chance of a fishkill if it died. It seemed too small to kill off the tank if it did die (famous last words??) so I have left it in there so far. I've been considering removing it as I haven't really learned anything from it and I am aware there is a slight risk if it dies.
I'd appreciate hearing if anyone has actually had fish die when their cucumber died.

bang guy

Elf Doctor,
The Yellow are filter feeders. They are not nearly as toxic as the Sea Apple, not even close. They could poison a tank if something tried to eat it. That's probably unlikely unless you have some aggressive fish. If you add Phytoplankton it may begin to grow. They do not move much. They fine a place with the current they like and stay there.


Active Member
Thanks, BangGuy!
I am still surprised that swf.com sells them without any mention of possible toxicity in their descriptions.
Caveat emptor, I suppose.



Originally posted by Shouse
hey n00b, that's the one i have. Very fun too watch....when he wants to move. For some reason mine likes being lazy lately :notsure:

Mines isn't lazy :notsure: hes always moving around and eating.


aawwwwww maaaann...he must be a dud :D
i have a defective cucumber!


I have a pink and yellow cucumber in a CC tank. I've had it for 2 or 3 months, I think... It went straight to where it could get "good flow" and has stayed there ever since. It has shrunk a bit (maybe 10%) - not enough to cause GREAT concern. I squirt phytoplankton in its direction when I see that its filtering appendages are out.


To be honest i have no idea how to take care of a cucumber.
And mine isn't looking the best and certainly isnt doing what he's supposed
to so i would probably suspect somethings not right.
What is ideal for a cucumber? i could probably use more flow in my tank
but not sure if that's all. WHere do i get phytoplankton and when and how do i know to use it?


I used to get phytoplankton that a fellow "reefer" made in his closet. I'm sure you can search the forums to find out how he made it. I now buy Kent phytoplankton as it is concentrated and I pay less per dose using it than I was buying it from my fellow "reefer".
MY CUCUMBER hangs out in a prtially shaded area of my tank - about 4" below the surface of the water. Its front end faces where I have considerable water movement from one of the holes in my spraybar.


My 2 cents!
My tiger tail is lazy... :) It works but it doesnt clean the sand, it is always in the rockwork in between cracks and crevices ( My rock has large holes ) and its always eating inside.
My black ( I had one before the meltdown :eek: ) used to always day and night be in the sandbed shifting and sifting the top layers.


interesting. what does a tiger cucumber look like.? Your tiger cucubmer is what my cucumber does.