Originally Posted by
Bang Guy
In my experience it's mercury vapor lighting that produces the most growth. That combined with liberal feeding, massive waterflow and temperatures of 85F - 86F. That's if you're only considering growth rates.
What's mercury vapor lighting? Really 85 to 86 degrees??
Well I guess I should rephrase the question. What will give me the best growth without browning out my corals? I would think it would be maybe a 10k halide with a few actinic t5 tubes for supplemental growth?
The tank I like is 36 by 36 by 8 so t5s might be a little more difficult/ expensive to cover the whole tank with as opposed to a single halide. I'm going to be doing a bit of everything really. What do you guys think?
And anyone have some other pointers while where at it lol
Thanks guys!