which pc bulbs last longer, daylights or actinics?


I'm getting ready to replace the bulbs in my 2 x 96 watt pc fixture. i read bang comment on which ones wear out faster, but i can't remember which one.


Active Member
Personally I'd replace both at 6 month intervals.
Daylight, being more important, should be maintained on a regular schedule without question as those bulbs deteriorating will affect your corals more rapidly. If you were to say wait 3 months to replace your actinics by accident :thinking: then you would be on a 3-3 schedule to replace bulbs. Or your coiuld just do them all every 6.
Interesting point you brought up. I just upgraded and added more retofit PC's.. now I bought all daylight bulbs for this set.
BUT I have the dual actinic/daylight bulbs on my older set... so, the two are "stuck" together, It would seem that if ONE wears out or should be changed sooner than the other, they wouldn't stick them together... Hmmmm , just a thought..
Good to know BTW...
Kim :thinking:


Active Member
:notsure: Very good point.
I think they stuck them together for the poeple that are limited in space or just don't know about lighting.:thinking:
Check and Check... LOL :rolleyes:
When I got my Pc's I went with the double bulb for space reasons... Gotcha.
But now I have twice the ps's and have all seperate bulbs,,, you live and learn I guess.

bang guy


Originally posted by dburr
The chemicals in the atinics burn out faster. Daylight bulbs last longer.:yes:
