That'd be me, in love with the hobby! And it's much cheaper than my other hobby, collecting jewelry

That's definitely on the back burner for a while.
A little history of my situation... I never went to college, just started working straight away after high school. I always had 2 jobs, saved money, worked hard to get my credit score where it should be, and so did my fiance. We've been together nearly 8 years, and we were able to buy a house together about 2 years ago. We bought a duplex, so that we would always have a little extra income (even though I was less than thrilled at the prospect of living in another "apartment") and we've been doing great! Well, I worked retail, and we live in a fairly depressed area. I was laid off right after christmas, and I decided to take advantage of a program that unemployment offers, and I'm going back to school. They will pay me while I go to school, and I am exempt from looking for work. I'm kind of uncomfortable with not working, but school and family obligations have kept me very busy, and I know that I'll be much better off for going to college.
Living in a depressed area is actually how I came to have my fish tank. I was able to get it from a friend of a friend who was in a bit of a tough patch, and I got it for a great deal. Needless to say, it was in kind of rough shape. So, we're slowly but surely getting it back to where it deserves to be. I've been thinking about getting a tank for a very long time, and I've been researching for literally a year before this opportunity kind of fell in my lap.I wasn't really prepared for some of the problems I've encountered along the way, but thanks to this site and all the wonderful advice you've all given others and myself, things are really looking up for my fish and corals.