White Bubble Coral


Hi as seen from the title i would love a white bubble coral. But I have no idea where to start. I have a 37 gallon and this would be the only coral in there. Are these hard to take care of, what supplies would I need to take care of them? Any suggestions besides this coral? -Soft Corals only please. P.S. I am currently treating Ich and would not get the coral for another 3-4 weeks. Thanks all!

bang guy

Bubble Coral are not soft corals. They are one of the easier hard corals to care for though. You're not treating Ick directly in your reef tank are you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by thumpco http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435314
Hi as seen from the title i would love a white bubble coral. But I have no idea where to start. I have a 37 gallon and this would be the only coral in there. Are these hard to take care of, what supplies would I need to take care of them? Any suggestions besides this coral? -Soft Corals only please. P.S. I am currently treating Ich and would not get the coral for another 3-4 weeks. Thanks all!
What type of lighting do you have on your tank?


Lighting? No idea just whatever came with my kit. It is not dull and not super bright. Sorry I don't know exactly


Active Member
Originally Posted by thumpco http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435341
Lighting? No idea just whatever came with my kit. It is not dull and not super bright. Sorry I don't know exactly
Corals need extremely specific lighting. If you don't know what it is, then it's most likely not good enough. If you want to keep corals, look into some good LED, T5, or metal halide fixtures. They are expensive, but they are one of the single most important aspects of keeping coral.


What would you recommend?
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435347
Corals need extremely specific lighting. If you don't know what it is, then it's most likely not good enough. If you want to keep corals, look into some good LED, T5, or metal halide fixtures. They are expensive, but they are one of the single most important aspects of keeping coral.


What exactly do you mean my DIY? BTW that is nice
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435355
Your own DIY LED fixture is best... but I don't know if you want to go through all that...
This is really a nice fixture:
There are a lot of good options... look around... and then post the fixture on here.. and let us comment on it! :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by thumpco http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435357
What exactly do you mean my DIY? BTW that is nice
Building the light fixture yourself.
It's something I do not know a lot about....... Acrylic51 (Shawn) and 2Quills (Corey) are the members on the site to go to for detailed information on building stuff from scratch :)


Ok thanks!
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435361
Building the light fixture yourself.
It's something I do not know a lot about....... Acrylic51 (Shawn) and 2Quills (Corey) are the members on the site to go to for detailed information on building stuff from scratch :)


How about a pic of your tank? We may be able to determine the light that way...
On to the bubble coral they are LPS coral and fairly easy to care for. I just bought one about 2 weeks ago (you can click link next to my name and see it) and it is a very easy coral to care for. Requires moderate lighting and minimal flow or at least mine likes that. It grows HUGE during the day and at night it pulls all the bubble in and you only see a skeleton of the coral (very cool). I direct feed it mysis shrimp and it's very content.
My lighting is a T5HO.
Other LPS corals that are very easy to care for are:
Frog spawn
Candy Canes
Other corals in gereral that grow well and are easy are:
star polyp
etc..... I own all these corals and they do very well under my lights...


Thank ou. Do these Corals need a special additive in the water?
Originally Posted by reeferchief http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435572
How about a pic of your tank? We may be able to determine the light that way...
On to the bubble coral they are LPS coral and fairly easy to care for. I just bought one about 2 weeks ago (you can click link next to my name and see it) and it is a very easy coral to care for. Requires moderate lighting and minimal flow or at least mine likes that. It grows HUGE during the day and at night it pulls all the bubble in and you only see a skeleton of the coral (very cool). I direct feed it mysis shrimp and it's very content.
My lighting is a T5HO.
Other LPS corals that are very easy to care for are:
Frog spawn
Candy Canes
Other corals in gereral that grow well and are easy are:
star polyp
etc..... I own all these corals and they do very well under my lights...
Bubble corals are awesome, i would recommend getting a green or pink bubble coral as they add a little more aesthetic value to the aquarium. I have a white one, but would have preferred a green or pink one. However, as far as care for them goes, mine gets all the lighting and is located at the bottom of my 40 gal hex with minimal flow. Best of luck and happy fragging.


Hey, I just got a new light it is a T8 50/50 flourcesent 17 watts. Is this a strong light?
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/389042/white-bubble-coral#post_3435347
Corals need extremely specific lighting. If you don't know what it is, then it's most likely not good enough. If you want to keep corals, look into some good LED, T5, or metal halide fixtures. They are expensive, but they are one of the single most important aspects of keeping coral.