Who for president


i was wounderin ur views on the diffrent candidates... i hope i spelled that right...
such as obama who do u think will win


Active Member
Originally Posted by itom37
You're from Charleston and you like Hillary!! I wouldnt say that in public if I were you
, from having lived there for 6 years.
As of right now I like Mitt Romney over Giuliani. I like John McCain, but I don't think he has much chance.
Obama's and Hillary's economic plans really scare me.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
You're from Charleston and you like Hillary!! I wouldnt say that in public if I were you
, from having lived there for 6 years.
As of right now I like Mitt Romney over Giuliani. I like John McCain, but I don't think he has much chance.
Obama's and Hillary's economic plans really scare me.

There's a fair liberal base in Charleston, but yeah, I get jumped on a lot. I think Obama lacks substance and is petty in his little come-from-behind attacks on Hilary, though he's the only one that I think has his head on straight regarding gay marriage (as in the definition of marriage has nothing to do with the freaking government, being a religiously ordained institution). I think his quick pullout plan is untenable and unethical given the mess we've started, and for all the Hilary hate I come across, I've yet to have it backed by anything of substance (I'm sure many of you are willing to provide plenty of examples, but I'm not getting into it here
). If it helps draw any more ire from you guys, I wish Al Gore would run


Active Member
Originally Posted by itom37
There's a fair liberal base in Charleston, but yeah, I get jumped on a lot. I think Obama lacks substance and is petty in his little come-from-behind attacks on Hilary, though he's the only one that I think has his head on straight regarding gay marriage (as in the definition of marriage has nothing to do with the freaking government, being a religiously ordained institution). I think his quick pullout plan is untenable and unethical given the mess we've started, and for all the Hilary hate I come across, I've yet to have it backed by anything of substance (I'm sure many of you are willing to provide plenty of examples, but I'm not getting into it here
). If it helps draw any more ire from you guys, I wish Al Gore would run
lol, I actually now like Al Gore after watching his documentary about the environment, but you need some charisma to be President I think, that's where Al is lacking IMO...plus I can't stand his wife....miss Charleston though Itom, and my conservative buddies at Wild Dunes


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
lol, I actually now like Al Gore after watching his documentary about the environment, but you need some charisma to be President I think, that's where Al is lacking IMO...plus I can't stand his wife....miss Charleston though Itom, and my conservative buddies at Wild Dunes

Al became attractive to me when he stopped being political and got passionate about something, something I consider to be the most important issue in the election. I really think the next president has to make it his or her priority to take care of the environment and energy policy, but politics being what they are, it's not likely.
I'm located more in the downtown/university district... much more liberal (following the eduacation, that is
Two blocks from the Charleston Obama HQ! (I'm tired of seeing his ephemera everywhere, speaking of the environment).


well i see were u all are coming from but IMO and from scientific reaserch by others the energy issue is not that big of a deal considering that in france they are testing a reactor that puts out enough energy to fuel all of france... i forget the name but it is hydrogen fusion like the sun.... and the enviroment if you really think about it isnt that bad yes we can shape up a little bit but overall we are in pretty good shape... and the last subject(plz do not get offended) gay marriage in my opinion is wrong the whole point of marriage is to love yes but it is also a moral way to continue the human race and there is no benefite to sociatey from a gay marraige, i think they can be partners thats fine but marriage is somethin completely diffrent.... didnt mean to offened if i did srry


Originally Posted by Gobyguy9686
well i see were u all are coming from but IMO and from scientific reaserch by others the energy issue is not that big of a deal considering that in france they are testing a reactor that puts out enough energy to fuel all of france... i forget the name but it is hydrogen fusion like the sun.... and the enviroment if you really think about it isnt that bad yes we can shape up a little bit but overall we are in pretty good shape... and the last subject(plz do not get offended) gay marriage in my opinion is wrong the whole point of marriage is to love yes but it is also a moral way to continue the human race and there is no benefite to sociatey from a gay marraige, i think they can be partners thats fine but marriage is somethin completely diffrent.... didnt mean to offened if i did srry

Well, I realize not everyone buys the science (though it is as close to universally agreed upon as you can get (by those not being paid to dissent, that is)), but the impact of a few degrees is likely to impact the planet in incredibly significant ways. I'm not sure what you're saying about france (something along the lines of because France is taking environmental responsibility that we don't have to?).
Scientific research is a sad topic these days. NIH funding is getting slashed at alarming rates. We've always been at the forefront of medical research, but that is changing due to funding shrinkage and the ban on ethical stem cell research.
To an extent, I agree with you on gay marriage. While I completely support 100% equality in terms of recognition of committed couples, heterosexual or homosexual, I believe since marriage is ordained by religious institutions that the government has no say in the matter. It is not the government's job to protect the "sanctity of marriage". A law designating marriage as between a man and a woman is unethical, unnecessary, and unconstitutional. The only basis for saying that a homosexual marriage would be morally wrong is to consult religious texts that deem it as such. An argument against the morality of homosexuality falls flat on its face unless you quote said texts, so really, how is it that such an amendment is even under consideration in a country that is supposedly free and founded on freedom of religion? I'm still looking for a reasonable answer to that one.


i will find the text that says the topic on homosexual marriag and about france all im saying is that the techonolgy is out there and all we need to do is invest abit to get it and i do agree with u on the temp subject and i wil find the text about the marrage issue
found it
Jeremiah 29:6:
Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease.


Originally Posted by Gobyguy9686
i will find the text that says the topic on homosexual marriag and about france all im saying is that the techonolgy is out there and all we need to do is invest abit to get it and i do agree with u on the temp subject and i wil find the text about the marrage issue
found it
Jeremiah 29:6:
Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease.
Yes! It is a religious issue. We agree. Thus, as the government is intended to be separate from religion, and since religions are perfectly capable of regulating this themselves, no ethical basis, practical necessity, or constitutional allowance for a law against it!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
lol, I actually now like Al Gore after watching his documentary about the environment ...

Originally Posted by itom37
Al became attractive to me when he stopped being political and got passionate about something...
If he was passionate about it he'd have changed his lifestyle....
Originally Posted by itom37

Well, I realize not everyone buys the science...
For instance, NASA, that has continued to report the ice flows at the South Pole that have grown substantially in the past 20 years, or the over 19,000 scientists that signed the Global Warming Petition stating in part: "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate..."


Active Member
Originally Posted by itom37
... NIH funding is getting slashed at alarming rates. We've always been at the forefront of medical research, but that is changing due to funding shrinkage and the ban on ethical stem cell research. ....
Last time I checked stem research was not banned (i love the phrase "ethical stem cell research"). Federal funding was banned. Quite a difference.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman

If he was passionate about it he'd have changed his lifestyle....
For instance, NASA, that has continued to report the ice flows at the South Pole that have grown substantially in the past 20 years, or the over 19,000 scientists that signed the Global Warming Petition stating in part: "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate..."
Back at you...You must live in a small town, I see the absurb amount of smog and pollution everyday here in Phoenix, and being from Seattle....Sure ignore it, it will go away. Have you seen a picture of Beijing lately? They are going to force every factory to shut down 2 weeks before the Olympics next summer just so no one sees how bad it is over there. Ignore it....The South Pole was not the only thing he addressed in the documentary that you obviously didn't watch.


id vote hillary, but i think al gore is 10000000% better than everybody. i hope he runs. i live in caly and i have to have swartsinager? as governer but i dont want another bushy or right winged idiot in office. go democrats.


Go Hillary............
and it would be even more perfect if Al was her running mate, too bad that would never happen though.