Who has fish tank in the bedroom?


I do, 55gal SW tank,
just started over a month,
got some fishes and some corals in there with lr,
I love the view of the tank,
but the smell (like fishy smell) is killin me.
I added air freshener, and still smells.
I'm afraid it's going to get worse as the tank gets older.
If you have one in the bed room, do you have that problem? ***)


mine is in one of the spare bedrooms, no funky smell though.
I like to go in there and lay on the bed and watch the one fish that's in there swim around and listen to the water. Makes me sleepy.


Active Member
I do.
Noise from Wavemaker bothers me a bit, but ya I love having it nearby.
The only time I get a bad smell is if I forget to dump all the food out and it sits overnight.


I have a tank in the bedroom. It's a 45 gallon and my girlfriend cant stand it. All the lights being on timers and waking her up and shining in her eyes, she loves to bother me about it. As for the tank smelling for some reason would you have anything that couldve died behind any rockwork or anwhere? Other then that do a water change and see if the smell decreases.


Active Member
Originally Posted by barchtruong
I do, 55gal SW tank,
just started over a month,
got some fishes and some corals in there with lr,
I love the view of the tank,
but the smell (like fishy smell) is killin me.
I added air freshener, and still smells.
I'm afraid it's going to get worse as the tank gets older.
If you have one in the bed room, do you have that problem? ***)
I have a 55g in my room and a 15g, No smell noticed so far after 5 months. I sleep with earplugs lol.


I tried sniffing at the bio wheel filters, they don't smell,
I empty the skimmer collector every other day.
I change 6 gal of water and vacuum the sand weekly.
Water paremeter can't get any better, everything is perfect.
But the fishy odor is like floating around the room.
I don't want to put too much air freshener in there cuz I read somewhere that said candles and air fres. can kind marine lives.
So, dunno what to do to get rid of the odor.


my 185 is in my bedroom and when i close the lid i dont ear a thing...Run some carbon bags in your sump to get rid of fishy smell...


Active Member
I don't have a smell from mine either. I had a terrible smell when I had a algea problem in overflow though.


My tank is rather quiet but there are times when a snail gets near my powerhead and pinched between the powerhad and the tank and vibrates like crazy. Kind of scares the crap out of you in the middle of the night. Other then that the water is relaxing and makes me got o ebd easier. I have had tanks in my room for about 6 or 7 years ever since I was about 16. I think I kind of need to have one. I use to have to 55's and two 10's when I was in high school but that didnt last to long after my parents got the electric bill. LOL


well now the noise doesn't bother me a bit.
The filters are like dumping water in the tank like water fall.
The skimmer is roaring 24/7.
When I do water change, the odor is gone for a couple days, and then....again especially when my MHs are on, the more heat on it, the more it smell....erhhhhhh


I have a 30 hex, the first two weeks I set it up there was a smell. But that is gone and haven't had any since. I LOVE it by my bed. It has been going now since 6/06.
Thank you for the link to the headboard, I have been trying to come up with ways of doing something like that myself. Only I was thinking more of buying like a 55 long and building a frame around it, and a lid. Instead of chancing making the whole aquarium. This has inspired me to once again start thinking very seriously. :thinking: Thanks.


Active Member
If you go down to post 17 in that link, he has a link to his home page with details of it's construction..


I have a 20 gallon in my room (has been set up for seven months now..) and I don't smell anything fishy. I love it because I sit in bed and just watch all the activity. My roommates probably think I'm nuts since I stare at it so much.


yea, I know what it's like and how that feels....lol...
I stare at it too much, too.
I stare at it from the time the tank is bright til the tank is dark almost everyday.


Originally Posted by zman1
There was a guy on here that posted pictures of tank he had as a headboard.
A little too up close and personal for me. Plus during my quality time with the wife I would feel little weird with little Nemo watchin