I do that every single time i fill up my bucket. After the first time i got a 35g rubbermaid container and i put my bucket in there. I forgot about it for just over 24 hours and no mess. And i have about 30g of RO waiting to be used. If i didn't buy 2x65g hex and a 42bow from Fidel Castro (getting them tommorow
) i would be good with the RO for awhile. I may just put the hose in the tanks and forget about it for another day or two. Now only thing i have to worry about is the GF hounding me about why i don't need 5 tanks. I keep trying to explain it and its quite simple.
2x 65g hex for the living room
1x 55g dart frog tank for living room
1x 29g for the computer room
1x 42bow dartfrog tank for the computer room
Seems pretty obvious to me.
Fortunately she doesnt know about the 150g viv i am looking at for the bedroom. I'm saving that for a suprise.