who has not seen Napolean Dynamite?


My son was sick last week....(faking I think:yes: ) anyway, I had to go to the store and he asks me to pick up that movie...Napolean Dynamite. We ended up keeping it for 3 days. The kids just couldn't get enough of it, and then my husband had to see it...over and over and over. NOW...every word that comes outa their mouths is something of ND. They said everyone in school is talking about it. Yesterday we got a catolog in the mail with those pants...the 'flag' pants. My son is dying to have them. I couldn't watch it....guess I should have. So....a poll.
Seen it?
Or not?
Heard of it?
"thanks dude!"


seen it nine times, bought it four times, but gave it away four times too.
Saw it opening night, the day after opening night, and two more times in the theatre, then dragged friends to the house for forced viewings to indoctrinate them into the world of Napo Dynamo (yes, I have a special name for it). Good stuff.


Female, mid-twenties, married, no kids, tons of pets. I guess I sound like a 16 year old, but it's a darned good flick. :D


New Member
I thought it was the most retarded movie ever and I have a very good sense of humuor:notsure:


Blasphemers !!! Perhaps you never went through a dorky phase while you were in high school, but some of us did, and it's darned funny. It is a Later Day tribute to Steve Martain's "The Jerk," which is pure comedic gold! Few movies have attained such high levels of my own personal esteem, and this one is way up there.


THANK YOU! Finally a voice of reason amidst all this madness!
Don't be affraid to voice your love! You have Pedro's protection!


Active Member
I can see why people love, i can see why people hate it.
I saw it, I laughed, but dont think i'll buy it.


Let's move on to another classic. Who here's seen Mariah Carey's "Glitter," or any Ben Affleck movie made in the past three years?:scared:



Well, at least we live in a democracy where everyone is free to watch the movie of their choice and preference. At least we all have a Constitutional right to argue with and admonish those who DO NOT AGREE WITH US!!! Truly, it's not my life's goal to bring Napoleon strays into the fold. My own husband rolls his eyes at the mere mention of the name and with some effort on my part, I can still "respect" his views.



Originally posted by nicky1.8t
if you havent seen it dont waste your time or you money worst movie ever!!!!

I saw it and Didnt laugh except for the very beginning and when the guy shoots the cow. it is funnier when everyones friends repeat it.