Who has the biggest fish???


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This is a random thread I thought of... post pics of your biggest fish, then we can find out who has the biggest fish on SWF.com this doesn't include eels but does include sharks.


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all my tangs are about 7-9" my volitan lionfish is gigantic but the pics wouldnt do justice and my shark is about 18-19" inches



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Well, he's starting to outgrow my tank, so I'm going to try putting him in a larger one. It's a Balaenoptera musculus, or commonly known as a blue whale.
Ok now what do I win???


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my whale shark beats all of your fish, its in my 100 million gallon tank in my basement. we got that tank for $100 at a garage sale


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haha thats funny, btw you win a blood worm, would that be in the continental us? :thinking:


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Shark guy,if you dont mind me asking, how much did it cost you "about" to make your pond...i've head their cheaper than your average reef tank into he 80k.


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BTW if you have it include a pic of your fish. Actually I'm pretty sure my blood worm would kick your whale sharks but FYI... :cheer:


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Originally Posted by UKCATS
Wasn't there just a "does size matter?" thread floating around here??? :thinking:


tx reef

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Originally Posted by readster
my girlfriend always tells me that size is not important

My wife says the same thing!