hopefully you still all pay attention to this thread every now and then....i am really looking to get a -- buggy...when i wa young, less than 5yr my dad had one of those old old Tam. Grasshoppers and we would drive it down the streets at night, the best.....so anyawys, lately i've been really looking into getting one that is fast...doesnt have to be super fast, but id like one that is better than those things you find at walmart....but i dont want to spend 400 some dollars....i wa hoping to find a decent car for somewhere between 70-100....nitro or electric, whichever...i assume nitro is faster, but i dont know much about this stuff. I'd like too get 2 so i can race them witha friend...so i would need to find two with different frequencies, right?? anyways, if someone could help me out thatd be great...i was hoping to get a friend of a friend to build em for me, but not sure he is willing to.....also are places really hard to land, and how do you know your battery or gas wont run out on you?