Who is on SWF when you should be working?


Active Member
I'm in the computer lab right now. Should be working on ACCT II homework. The computer is right here, so here I am. Who else is SWF surfing rather than working? You know a lot of companies have monitering programs to make sure they are not paying you to use your time and computer for personal stuff.... like gabbing on SWF... Now, how many of you are getting nervous now that I said that. They could be watching your every click!! LOL... Ok that's enough.. Maybe I'll turn this into a poll!!:D


Active Member
Day in, day out...on the Internet all day at work, which translates into.....SWF.com! :D


Active Member
Not only am I looking at swf.com at work right now...
At the same time, Im also:
Trying to eat lunch, type an important email, monitor things coming up at 3p, see how much this morning's speeding ticket is going to cost me. I think there is more too. Im just trying to block it out. :cool:
everyday day at lunch! and about every other day someone comes into the office and is like what in gods name are you looking at!?!?


Active Member
LOL! Glad to hear I'm not the only one.
HT- YOU GOT A TICKET?!?! LOL!!! How bad? Was it Cobb, Fulton, or APD? Seriously, I didn't mean to laugh............. yes I did...:D