Who is on SWF when you should be working?



Double Guilty! Surfing the web and then accidently sent my project manager the design for my sump system and not the design for our latest program changes. She got a kick out of it!:D


Staff member
Now that we have this sizable list, you've all been reported to your respective employers! :D And, if you are in the military, looks like you'll be doing some extra pushups soon! ;)



Originally posted by HairTrigger
... see how much this morning's speeding ticket is going to cost me.

Speeding tickets suck :(
oh, and guilty


Active Member
Actually, he said it was an HOV ticket! He ALMOST got away. It's hard to get away w/ a truck that size. Have you had an HOV ticket? He was asking how much it would cost since I am so prone to recieving speeding tickets.:rolleyes: Never got and hov ticket though.. yet..


In seven days I have a short book due that will contain 5 chapters, to be written by me. Two have been written, and one of those was deemed unacceptable by my editor tonight. :eek:
I took care of my 3-year-old all day and have only the nightime hours now to work on the book ... so I'm posting on a fish site, of course! :rolleyes:
But thank you, writing this will help me get back to work quicker!


i own the pc store i work at...so the boss can kiss my a...hey wait a minute..
either way i am on a pc about 10-14 hours any given day...so yes i live on it pretty much.


I should be studying Botany and cell bio right now, but it's hard not to get distracted with the comp. right next to me!!! I guess studying qualifies as work. I don't really want to do it and one day I might get paid for it. Maybe......


Active Member
Yes... HOV. Why? Because I am careless, and don't give a darn about the envrionment. I was also in the HOV lane in my gas-guzzling SUV. Car pools? HA! My commute is more imporatant than the ozone. :D
That was a joke. So before you go all postal on this post... pun intended... relax. Although it was an HOV violation. I had to do it to get to work on time for an appointment. Getting the job done is the bottom line to me.
But, I got caught, and now I shall pay the price. Or at least fishkiller will.... I told the cop I didnt have my license and gave him Fishkillers name and address. AAAAAAAAAAahahahahhahahahahahaha. Sucker. :D


Active Member
That's ok! I know where you live. A little antifreeze in your tank should do the trick! AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh yeah. I'm sitting at school right now waiting on a tow truck. My car felt like it was running on half its cylinders, and was blowing steam and smoke out of the hood. I don't know if it is related to the orange road construction barrel I hit this morning. I didn't hit it hard enough to even dent anything, except the barrel. My choices were to hit the truck in front of me or hiot the barrel. I think I made the wise choice. And it was a quik one at that. HT- call me when you have a free minute, I'll tell you ALL about my wonderful morning.:rolleyes:


Active Member
Some of us are not so lucky as to get paid for doodling and drawing. I do that in class all the time... But I'm the one paying THEM!!! Something is not right here!!:mad: