who is the suspect


Active Member
fun thing about mantis is they can see the red spectrum of light, so using a red lens flashlight does not work.


last night i was up and try to find him
sadly i cant find anything
but good thing is no one get attack


Active Member
Bet its a mantis. If you can, since you dont have many corals if any, take out your rock systematically and search it. Watch your fingers if its a mantis.
A 10$ shrimp taking out so much more in fish. Its a shame, but keep an eye on that mystery wrasse. Ive seen them do some damage too, but I dont think he would bite himself haha


Active Member
Are you still getting injuries? It might just take some time, too, since the size of the tank and the amount of live rock give anything quite a few places to hide.


oh man
this is so mess up
yesterday my powder brown was doing so fine,
this morning he won't come out,
just like how my hippo is
he doesn't look hurts or anything just the same as the hippo
i found my hippo dead after two days
what should i do?


how big is the clown tang, does it seem aggresive during feeding and how often are you feeding, they can just be nasty.


my clown tang is medium, i really don't think is him because he doesn't seem agressive at all
just finally have a close look at the powder brown, both of his cheek is red
let me try to take a pic and post


What is your most aggresive fish in there? Try taking it out, and see if anything changes??? A lot of people are suggesting a clown tang, so I would take him out just to see if it's him. Also, like others suggested a camera idea would work. Hopefully you have one....


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
do the seltzer water trick, thats how i got rid of my mantis. It works very well with little life lost.
what is seltzer water trick?


i think its when u tip ur rock in water that has a high concentration of salt so make a bucket of water and add as much salt to it as u can im pretty sure a mantis would run out almost right away from the rock its hiding, just watch ur fingers when u take the rock out of the tank and the cool thing is u don't get dieoff just things don't like the water they just have been put into


Active Member
Originally Posted by HaloStalker
i think its when u tip ur rock in water that has a high concentration of salt so make a bucket of water and add as much salt to it as u can im pretty sure a mantis would run out almost right away from the rock its hiding, just watch ur fingers when u take the rock out of the tank and the cool thing is u don't get dieoff just things don't like the water they just have been put into
The problem with this is that he needs to Id that the mantis is actually in there, what rock it's in, etc. You wouldn't really want to rip your tank apart and dip every rock.


also if it is a slasher type mantis, they prefer to make burrows in the sand or under the rock. they dont typically hide in the rock itself.


powder brown is dead yesterday just like the hippo
i don't really want to dip every single rocks unless is the last source
i don't have a video cam now but i might buy one to hunt it out
hopefully no more fish die because if there is i might have to do anything to get out
right now i have
2 tomato clown (pair)
1 mystery wrasse
1 blue damsel (red sea)
1 naso tang
1 gold rims tang
1 sailfin tang
1 clown tang