Who is your tank enemey?


I have a maroon clown called Clubber (Clubber Lane from Rocky 3!) in my tank and I love him to death. He was the first fish I ever bought and looks incredible in my rose. However, he seriously hates me.
Anytime I put my hand in the tank he attacks it. Only mine! My mom occasionally does some maintence and he goes nowhere near her. Anyway, when I'm doing some stuff ,he wacks my hand it startles me, water goes everywhere and it ticks me off. So...I started to take a turkey baster in with me for protection. He stayed away. He no longer fears it though and back at my hand he goes...little punk, sometimes i just want to flick him...but i won't!
Anybody else have a little punk that loves to attack their hand?!?
My maroon gets a bit too close too sometimes, but he's never tried to nip at me. I also have my emperor snapper who is a pain in the ass, she's always trying to jump at my hand when I go to service the tank, it's scary, I'm afraid she'll jump out, and it's a long way down! It's weird that he's so aggresive...they're supposed to be docile...


my snowflake eel eyes my fingers, and swims over to nip at me, hes nipped my before, my hand flew out, and water got all over me. Its usually only when hes hungry though


Do you have an Anemone ? my Percs attack me like I'm a shark when i go within a foot of thier Carpet..they nibble its funny but sometimes they get me by suprise and I flinch.. lol put them in the Ht for a week (in the corner) that'll teach em a lesson I did that when i thought they were ill, and since I put them back in my DT they have behaved. Just my .02 lol


My maroon clown attacks me even if it's just my fingers barely under the water on it's side of the tank. It also likes to attack the algae scaper thing. One time it did this to the point that it had a little piece of the white fuzz stuck to it.


Active Member
I had a tank full of aggressive fish that would all hide when put my hand in to do anything to the tank....Except for Geoffrey!!! Geoffrey was my Maroon Clown and his favorite hobbies were guarding his rock, and biting my hand....You would have thought his name was "Damnit Geoffrey" as many times as I said it


Maroons seem to be like that they are not afraid of anything. Mine do the same thing. Aparently anything that enters the tanks seems like a good snack for them. The bad part is they taught my dwarf lion to do it to. I have to be really carefull anytime i stick my hands in the tank. The maroons don't bother me but the poisonous one is a bit different.


my coral banded shrimp always acts like hes gonna attack my hand but i doubt he'll get that close
he attacts my mag float, turkey baster, and hydrometer
hahah hes a weenie


mines my purple lobster
he was one of the first purchases
and 7 months later.. still here!
It sticks bcuz his burrow is in the back of the tank, but he does come out at night. Well hes my biggest mistake, because now full grown..and has taken come casualties.. snails, peppermint shrimp, a couple small hermits.. and i think one of my smaller fish. And I've never fed him on purpose..nothing can kill him!


i have a breeding pair of maroons in my tank they are nice till i get close to any of "their" anemones! then they start doing there water burst thing with there tails,...and heaven forbid if i put something somewhere if they dont like it they are going to find a way to move it! they really are powerful little fish! i like them alot though, but the pain in my back said would have to be my sailfin tang, when im cleaning the glass hes right there waiting for the bits of food to roll off that blade hes tried to sur me befor when i would run him off to get him out of my way..i would hate it if i sliced him on acadent, but he started his little backwords swimming thing and flapping his tail my way...has anyone been hit by their spurs? im just woundering if i should be afrade of them?


some of these had me laughing. I loved the one about geoffrey. Instead of no no bad dog, maybe it should be no no bad geoffrey. haha


In an older tank my yellow tang wacked me one time. It didn't hurt...startled the crap outta me though. Its funny...they look so nice but when they start attacking I swear their eyes look demonic.


Originally Posted by SH2000
Do you have an Anemone ? my Percs attack me like I'm a shark when i go within a foot of thier Carpet..they nibble its funny but sometimes they get me by suprise and I flinch.. lol put them in the Ht for a week (in the corner) that'll teach em a lesson I did that when i thought they were ill, and since I put them back in my DT they have behaved. Just my .02 lol
I actually have three anenomes. He occupies the one at the very left hand side of the tank. His little punkness isn't for protection of it thoug, because i'll be working at the right hand side of the tank, and before I know it, he sucker punches me. Darn you clubber


Active Member
Maroon clowns are there specifically to make your 'hand in tank' times more difficult. Mine devotes his time to picking up hermit crabs and stacking them on top of eachother, toppling my corals onto eachother (sometimes onto my sun coral which results in utter loss), and biting me when I stick my hand in his territory. Yet, when it comes down to bare annoyance, they're just too awesome to get rid of.... Sigh...


my perc clownfish nibbles at my finger all the time... i would hand feed it and it would rather go for my fingers than the food.. it is quite funny


my clarkii clown totally owns the tank, in all honesty he is like 5+ inches though so it does not suprise me. if anything gets near his cave or anenemy he will chase them right out, crabs snails fish it does not matter


Active Member
My Maroon clown is also a case for the Fish Skrink Doctor too. If I had a dollar for every time he has bit me,
I could have paid for this "endless money pit" as the wife calls it!


All my guys are pretty nice to me, but this one time I was showing off a little and tried hand feeding my huge brittle star he got real excited and qickly wrapped around my fingers and hand
I jurked my hand out the tank (Star still on me) and flicked it off poor thing landed on the floor, and freaked out all of us girls.
He was fine and I still hand feed him and just have gotton used to him climbing on me.