Who keeps thier reef at 1.023?


Active Member
I was at the LFS yesterday and I got this weird look when I asked if they kept thier reefs at 1.024 or 1.025
He answered "1.023 of course"
just curious.
I know fish are actually happiest in 1.018-1.020(though most keep FOWLR's in .023 to .024)
But corals and inverts I was always taught between 1.024 and 1.026
Personally I keep mine at .025, this lets me have one point of forgiveness in either direction if I make a mistake, and what not.


Active Member
One tank is at 1.022 and one is 1.024. Depending on how much skimming has been pulled out or extra top off water I'm sure these vary a point time to time but I honestly don't check my salinity all that often. If everything looks healthy and happy I just don't worry about it. I am slowly bringing the lower one up to 1.024 for no real reason other than I want to :)
On a side note... when I pull frags from the main tank to frag tank I just basically dump them in. I've never acclimated my corals over and never had a problem.


Well-Known Member

I have a reef tank, I keep it at 1.024/1.025. I also use an Auto top off unit.
IMO, Keeping things constant is more important than the SG number as long as it is in the safe range.
Jaodissa: If your SG changes to fast, it will make a starfish unhappy. Otherwise it shouldn't bother it to be at 1.026 because that is the natural ocean SG. (according to my book.)


Active Member
Natural seawater has a specific gravity of around 1.026 or 35 ppt. In our aquariums it is wise to keep it a tad lower to allow for some increase due to evaporation. This is where the 1.024-1.025 "standard" comes from.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Natural seawater has a specific gravity of around 1.026 or 35 ppt.

Indeed. My sentiments exactly. And in some places, it goes as high as .027 and still sustains rich life.
I found it odd to get such aweird look from the guy. I had always thought of him as an equal...maybe even a little the super to me.
But when he seemed dumbfounded that anyone would go past .023, I had to kinda take a step back and ask, it never hurts to double check...even this late in the game. I dont mind risking the "New guy question"

bang guy

Originally Posted by Jaodissa
Is going from a 1.026 - 1.025 to much of a change to quickly?
Over a day, nope. Over a few seconds - possible, depending on the animals you keep. It's not going to bother fish.
In my opinion 35 - 37ppt is acceptable for reef animals and it's better to be high than low.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chilwil84
manylfs keep theres at 1.021 which is why dripping inverts(especially crustacians) very important.
For some reason the general consensus seems to be it is the least amount of stress on the animal. Why its ok fro the LFS to be that low, but home reefs its not I don't understand.
But whatever, .025 is my personal preferred.And it barely fluctuates more than .0005 either direction. And everyone seems really happy with it,so im happy with it.

bang guy

Originally Posted by King_Neptune
For some reason the general consensus seems to be it is the least amount of stress on the animal. Why its ok fro the LFS to be that low, but home reefs its not I don't understand.
But whatever, .025 is my personal preferred.And it barely fluctuates more than .0005 either direction. And everyone seems really happy with it,so im happy with it.
Most animals are not kept at the LFS very long.


Active Member
^ This.
And some LFS owners feel that keeping lower Sg is a way of saving operating costs. Have never done a study on the real savings here but I have been told that by a LFS owner.


Originally Posted by spanko
^ This.
And some LFS owners feel that keeping lower Sg is a way of saving operating costs. Have never done a study on the real savings here but I have been told that by a LFS owner.
Not only this reason but some I know of one that keeps it around 1.019 to keep "ich" at bay.


Originally Posted by trouble93
Not only this reason but some I know of one that keeps it around 1.019 to keep "ich" at bay.
I have read that actually keeping it higher around 1.025 would keep parasites at bay. I could be wrong though.


Originally Posted by jplace003
I have read that actually keeping it higher around 1.025 would keep parasites at bay. I could be wrong though.
At 1.025 the parasites would thrive and more then likely will show up in your tangs first. So pet stores keep there tank on the low end.


Originally Posted by trouble93
At 1.025 the parasites would thrive and more then likely will show up in your tangs first. So pet stores keep there tank on the low end.
Are you referring to Ick only or all parasites? I would like to just know for future reference.


Active Member
It is most commonly shown on tangs first. They are ICH magnets. And people dont like to buy fish that are in tanks with ICH or anything else for that matter.
This is a practice that makes sence. Maybe if snakeblitz is around he can confirm that did did such things. I know he used to own a reef store.