Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???


it might be a little late for another tankmate recommendation but you should def add a goliath grouper and a tarpon...that will fill the tank out lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
i'm in awe that mods haven't closed this yet..
eh, i guess theyre just hoping something will become of it


Sorry that i havent posted forever. My life has been H*** lately. As some of you know i am in the Air Froce reserves(I went to the ari force academy and then you have to serve in the air force ofr so many years and then in the reserves) and was called up by the Gov. to be deployed in Afghanistan. I have not gotten the tank yet because I am trying to finish everything up at my job before i leave(March 22) and i am also going through refresher courses and trying to get back into shape as I am a special forces medic. Hopefully that titles means i wont see too much action but who knows. They guys who made the tank said they would be glad to store it for me until i get back because they said "It's the least we can do to help our country and its' troops." so that is nice and I am greatly appreciative of it. Anyways I should be on here some more now until i ship out. Sorry I also dont really have any pictures of anything...All the pumps and controllers and stuff are in the boxes that they shipped them in and i havanet even had time to open them. Once again sorry for the delayed update but as i said before things have been quite hectick around here. Anyways if i dont talk to some of you before March 22 then i will talk to you when i get back. They said our tour is going to be one year but we all know how trustworthy the gov is on that lol.


Also mods if you want to close this thread tha is fine as after i leave i obviously wont have access to the internet so in turn i wont be able to post on here. I promise when i get back this will be the second thing i work on(family comes first). Ill take pics of the unpacking of the pumps, installation of the tank...everthing because i want to see this thing up and running just as much as you(except i get to get my hands dirty :p and you dont)


Good luck, im sure you wont see too much action in Afghanistan, i almost forgot we were still in Afghanistan!


Active Member
good luck madman, ive heard (not confirming) that more planes r shot down in afghanistan, so depending on what u do good luck and may god be on ur side


Active Member
Stay safe and thanks!
We'll look forward to an update when you return.
I'm going to close the thread...