Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???


if you look up a few posts you will see the size and that its coming early Feb. But as far as i know so far so good....they had a acouple of set backs with drilling it and stuff but i dont think that will effect the delivery date too much.


Yes we all would like to see the house pics, I would ask for pics of the tank from the builders, I mean come on this don't happen every day! Now that you have down sized the tank will you be still using the solar? Also could you have indoor outdoor tank? Would this work? like so you could have natrual reef,ocean build in ground and have it tapper to a shoreline in back yard?
and put one of those wavemakers that the water parks use? it would be an oasis in your back yard like going to the bahamas, and inside you can veiw, like going to the marine museum. This is sick and I can not wait for the finished results!!!!

30-xtra high

Active Member
no offense at all madman... but i'm still wondering if this is even gunna happen, good luck though, and i really hope you can actually pull this off.


I 'm trying to think if I've ever read a bigger line of BS in my life. To all the knowlegable folks that chymed in to give advise, your hips should be sore cuz this guys pulling you legs

30-xtra high

Active Member
lol, i was just thinkin... Why didn't a mod close this when they read this?
lol, no offense mods, but i think you mighta slipped when you read this...


30-extra, your right, this thread shoulda been yanked, If I were one of the folks that wrote in on this thread I'd be a little upset that I was played. Whats next, maybe raise part of the Titanic for part of an artificial reef display


Active Member
We try to give posters the benefit of the doubt. If the original poster continues to avoid this post it will be yanked and I'm sure he will be watched more closely in the future.


Active Member
i dono, madman is a fairly respectable fellow but ill admit im skeptical and pic hungry at this point. he knows his stuff and should know if it all is BS that this kinda stuff is deleted and closed here

tx reef

Active Member
If you look at his profile, he hasn't been online here since the 25th of January. He could be busy with that new tank...or other things. Heck, he could even be dead and no one would ever know......


You have to remember just were this guy is located, there is no shortages of info on doing what he is proposing, and I cant think of another place in the country that has more of what he is talking about. That said, read some of the posts. I guarantee this guy is full of BS. I agree with Journeyman about giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, but in this case its a little more of a doubt than benefit lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
If you look at his profile, he hasn't been online here since the 25th of January. He could be busy with that new tank...or other things. Heck, he could even be dead and no one would ever know......
Wow, what if he fell in the empty tank and can't get out? :thinking:

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pappa D
oh yeah, well i heard he just bought out the shed and turned that into his home....im serious!
oh yea?... i'm kind of bummed, he told me he planned on buying the atlantic ocean.. maybe he just wanted to downsize lol.