Who was our Nations BEST president or leader???


Active Member
Clinton with a WORLD of points and info to back it...... this thread is setting someone up to get banned. And this is why I will not go further than how i put it ... Cant wait to see who goes ***) ***)


Originally Posted by Oceanists
Clinton with a WORLD of points and info to back it...... this thread is setting someone up to get banned. And this is why I will not go further than how i put it ... Cant wait to see who goes ***) ***)
I agree( with the ban NOT Clinton)(hate to admit but he was pretty good though) but i will give my opinion with no further commentary than this:
Surprised noone else has said him but i'll go with FDR for best "leader" and president.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Not Presidents or Leaders but very important people in our country
Here's my President list...
President Bush Sr.
President Bush
wow you must not have payed much attention over the last 20 years...


Clinton and Lincoln were friggin idiots!!!!!!By far the best in my life time was Reagan, then George W. Bush. Somebody should have shot Lincoln a lot sooner, and Clinton shouldn't have ever gotten elected. He was such a loser. I hope the next president does as well as the present one has done. Before you start flaming, try to run a small business with a Democrat President. Regardless, Clinton was probably the worst ever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
I agree( with the ban NOT Clinton)(hate to admit but he was pretty good though) but i will give my opinion with no further commentary than this:
Surprised noone else has said him but i'll go with FDR for best "leader" and president.
I said both Roosevelts...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Not Presidents or Leaders but very important people in our country
Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King Jr.
Susan B. Anthony
Thomas Jefferson
Here's my President list...
President George Washington
President Regan
President Bush Sr.
President Bush
Just to correct the record...Jefferson was the 3 rd President....unless theres some hidden meaning .....


TR, FDR, Wilsons wife, Reagan, Clinton, Jefferson, and Bob Hope, lol.
The Bushes do not impress me: it took both to get rid of Hussien, and our boys are still getting killed....WHY?


Originally Posted by BigTang803
Clinton and Lincoln were friggin idiots!!!!!!By far the best in my life time was Reagan, then George W. Bush. Somebody should have shot Lincoln a lot sooner, and Clinton shouldn't have ever gotten elected. He was such a loser. I hope the next president does as well as the present one has done. Before you start flaming, try to run a small business with a Democrat President. Regardless, Clinton was probably the worst ever.
Shot Lincoln alot sooner? Thats pretty harsh dude!

mr. guitar

Thomas Jefferson could go under both, I just put him under that section becuase of the all the other things he did besides being President. He helped with the Lewis and Clark expidtion, Declaration of Independence, and the Lousiana Purchace.


Active Member
"I'm out of order!? You're out of order! This whole court's out of order!"
Sorry, just had to say it.

The best leader of this country has been, and will continue to be, the Constitution of the United States of America, along with those who either (a) contributed to the original scripture, (b) insured in its 230 yr history its saftey from enemies foreign or domestic, or (c) anyone who believes that this single document, which allows for rights as outlined by ALL the presidents which everyone has mentioned prior, is the most important document in the history of this country.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common
defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to
ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the
United States of America.


Active Member
"" which allows for rights as outlined by ALL the presidents which everyone has mentioned prior "" :thinking:


Active Member
"a monkey could have been in office and we still would have had and economic boom"
I'm pretty sure we have a monkey in office now and look how we are doing. Actually i was just watching the Comedy Central Indecision 2004 DVD again and there's this funny part where Hillary Clinton introduces "the last great democratic president" (Bill) and Jon Stewart interrupts and says "Oh my god, FDR's alive!" . I just about died laughing. Don't really have an answer though, all our leaders are controlled by money I don't have.


Active Member
The biggest problem with this country is you have to be rich to be president, otherwise you dont have a chance!
We need someone in office that wasnt born with a silver spoon in mouth.
This country is a mess and it will get worse before it gets better, our healthcare system is heading for a crash, our economy sucks, they will tell you it's up but look at all the road construction that is going on, that is a key sign that our economy is in the toilet.
Road construction creates jobs, problem is all those people that are now doing road construction were out of a job cause our economy is garbage.
Look at gas prices, every time someone in the middle east catches a cold our gas prices go up by 30 cents a gallon.
Social security will be bankrupt by the time we retire.
The middle class is what drives this country and it is getting to the point that the rich just get richer and the poor get poorer and the middle class is dwindling away.
Do a search on google about home foreclosures, you will freak at the % it has gone up in the last couple of years.
Everyone can say what they want about clinton but during his administration he ballanced our national budget (something never done before) and our country rocked.
He had the house divided about evenly and that was a key contributor to his success.
Say what you want Clinton was no dummy!
I could go on all night...


ROBERT C. BYRD!!!!!! I love to see Rumsfield go up against Byrd. Did anyone every see the interview with Byrd on PBS? Its was great. For you who don't know Mr. Byrd is the chairman of the appropriations committee, and also a senator for the state of West by god Virginia. Byrd could make more money if he would just retire but he stays in office for the people. He said that he would stay in office as long as the good people of West Virginia want him there. I'm here to tell you Byrd will never leave.


Originally Posted by CGRANT
Do a search on google about home foreclosures, you will freak at the % it has gone up in the last couple of years.
This is what confuses me, They are building homes like crazy, yet there are all these forclosures....


Active Member
Originally Posted by fogger
The Bushes do not impress me: it took both to get rid of Hussien, and our boys are still getting killed....WHY?

because the democrats (clinton) were too busy selling secrets and stuffing documents down their shorts to notice what was brewing in the mid-east.


I agree that both Bush's are have been great presidents. Also FDR, Eisenhower.
I also agree that Lincoln was a very bad president.
This is one of those threads where everyone is going to argue, but no one can win because it is opinions. I'm done, no more responses from me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
This is what confuses me, They are building homes like crazy, yet there are all these forclosures....

do u think its because everyone is trying to keep up with the jonses , peaple are buing these extravegant homes that they cant afford