Who's cooler, girls or boys?



Ok, as a tribute to jcrim (who started the first of this series of bashing threads), i want everyone to post whether they think women/girls or men/boys are better and why.
Women are soooo much better than men. We're much more in tune with ourselves that we're comfortable to cry and show other such emotions. Men, on the other hand, cannot cry (at least not in public) because they're afraid other people will think they're pansies (which they are...). We can hug and kiss other women (on the cheek of course) and not worry about people thinking we're gay. Men aren't comfortable enough with themselves to be able to do that. Women are scrappy, and have a great sense of style, while men just wear whatever smells the "least dirty". Men are disgusting! Women can be interested in cars and tools and whatnot, and that's just considered cool, but when men are interested in fashion and makeup/hair, they're considered gay. Women have much more options because we rock!!!

(this is not intended to offend anyone... just for fun! So if any of this offends you... leave the thread!!!!!)


Shemen is so much better. They have the best of both world. If I was a sheman, I'll be forever happy!!! Just for fun right?

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
Ok, as a tribute to jcrim (who started the first of this series of bashing threads), i want everyone to post whether they think women/girls or men/boys are better and why.
Women are soooo much better than men. We're much more in tune with ourselves that we're comfortable to cry and show other such emotions. Men, on the other hand, cannot cry (at least not in public) because they're afraid other people will think they're pansies (which they are...). !!!!!)
Which shows you are weak. The average woman can't even open a jar of pickles.
Originally Posted by jdragunas
We can hug and kiss other women (on the cheek of course) and not worry about people thinking we're gay. Men aren't comfortable enough with themselves to be able to do that.!!!!!)
Well women kissing is sexy. No one likes watching to men kiss unless they are gay or in france. Not even women.
Originally Posted by jdragunas

Women are scrappy, and have a great sense of style, while men just wear whatever smells the "least dirty". Men are disgusting!.!!!!!)
Yet the majority of your fashionable wardrobe are designed by men....go figure.
Men dojn't have to stick cotton in their bodies monthly.
Men can reproduce well into their 90's.
Men can open a jar of pickles.
Men don't fall in the toilet then blame someone else because they were to stupid to check the lid.
Darth (Dry Butt) Tang


I have never put cotton any where inside my body!!!!

men pee on the floor; women don't (how you miss is beyond me!)
men think it is ok to fart anywhere, women don't.
men have hair in places they shouldn't, if women do we are smart enougn to know to get rid of it!
women rule, will always rule


Active Member
"When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it...." (Gen. 3:6)
..and thus began all of our problems...
:joy: :joy: :joy:

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Teeny
I have never put cotton any where inside my body!!!!

men pee on the floor; women don't (how you miss is beyond me!)
men think it is ok to fart anywhere, women don't.
men have hair in places they shouldn't, if women do we are smart enougn to know to get rid of it!
women rule, will always rule
Ok, I guess I won't be PC. Men don't require tampons.
Men fart because we realize it is uncomfortable to hold it in. Therefore making women even further stupid as the inflict a sense of uncomfortability on themselves for no reason.
Not all women remove the hair....Go to Europe and Russia once. This does not make you smarter or better. This just makes you have to get up earlier and loose sleep.
A man's form of bith control also prevents the spread of disease. Woman have to use more than one product for this benefit.


i realize you couldn't comment on peeing on the floor....................
never been to russia or germany but I would still shave even if I did go there, i also said "in places where hair shouldn't be!"
we fart, we just aren't gross and make everyone else suffer like men do.
i think you are forgetting that tech. has cahnged cause there are women condoms now too.
"skid marks" aren't a fashion staement just in case you men were thinking that they were!! they are nasty and disgusting, WIPEP your butt for god's sake!!

darth tang

Active Member
Women get pregnant, go through labor and all the PAIN. then WANT to do it again forgetting how much it hurts.
Women need foreplay to get going and warmed up...men skip this and realize they don't need that for the good part.
Darth (Liking the easy job for procreation) Tang

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Teeny
i realize you couldn't comment on peeing on the floor....................
never been to russia or germany but I would still shave even if I did go there, i also said "in places where hair shouldn't be!"
we fart, we just aren't gross and make everyone else suffer like men do.
i think you are forgetting that tech. has cahnged cause there are women condoms now too.
"skid marks" aren't a fashion staement just in case you men were thinking that they were!! they are nasty and disgusting, WIPEP your butt for god's sake!!

Men can pee in public without having to hide behind something and taking off their clothes. If we pee on the floor it is because we are swaying when drunk. Unlike women when drunk that completely fall off the toilet and sit in it.
Men save money by using less toilet paper.......still don't understand what you need to use all the toilet paper for and then it goes in the trash and not the toilet.
Darth (Dry butt when drunk) Tang


when men weight lift the chest get pigger but their penises shrink!! HAHHA
the reason men use less toilet paper is because they let their under wear do most of the wiping!!!!!
when women shave we don't leave behind three million hairs in the sink or the shower/bathtub


Active Member
I dig chicks.... but ya know they have alot of DRAMA in life.... if they didn't they wouldn't have to WATCH SOAPS!!!!!! Guys don't care what is going on around them selfs....or in tune, as has been said.... Because we aren't nosy, and don't get in EVERYONES BUSINESS!!!!! LOL TAKE THAT WOMEN LOL (I am not sexist, and I understand every one is diffrent, and there is no "NORM", to men or women, so this is all just in fun!)

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Teeny
when men weight lift the chest get pigger but their penises shrink!! HAHHA
the reason men use less toilet paper is because they let their under wear do most of the wiping!!!!!
when women shave we don't leave behind three million hairs in the sink or the shower/bathtub

Make up your mind, do men shave the hair or not. Once again showing how confused the opposite --- are.
Most men now days realize this about underwear so we don't wear any...solves the problem.
Penises shrink with steroids...not weights. Once again showing why women are dumber and therefore inferior to men.
Darth (Going Commando) Tang


Active Member
If you want us to put the toilet seat down when we are done we think that it would only be fair that you put it up when you are done.....
And of course you don't miss when you pee, you are shooting from point blank range...... you would have some problems if you did!!!!!


ok read the post ( i know men can only concentrate for ten secs so try really hard!)
I said men have hair in places that they SHOULDN'T and don't do anything about it. One: BACK HAIR!!!!!! and some we can go even lower!!
so i guess all them body builders shoot up cause they seem pe***less??
going commando just means you now have poo stains on your pants, that doesn't change cause you need to WIPE your butt not just pull your pants up when done!!

darth tang

Active Member
Once again proving women are incapable of logical thought. The

looks tiny because the rest of the body is MUCH Bigger. Pay attention and stop looking at your nails.
Going commando does help....need I get into the scientific reasons for this. I will give you a hint. Underwear is hugging your butt. Pants don't.
Darth (atleast my chest won't sag) Tang.


My philosophy on women with drama is: Women need a daily dose of drama. The women who don't get enough from normal daily life have to watch show's with drama Soaps, American Idol, The OC, etc. The women that get enough drama in life itself don't watch a whole lot of drama filled shows. lol


I would much rather be male, for most of the obvious reasons.
For every gross man, there is a disgusting woman, so the men are disgusting thing doesn't really fly.
Women have a lot more crap they gotta deal with, and I think society favors the men,
I like to be capable of walking down the street alone, and not being fearful.
I like peeing standing up. And I like not having to complain if the seat is left up. You're a big girl, if it's up, put it down.
I like not thinking I'm fat every day of my life.
I like not paying $100 to have my hair cut, only have my girlfriend not notice.
Sometimes we (men) are not thinking about you (women), live with it.
I understand nearly ever aspect of football and can clearly define the infield fly rule in baseball. Most women can't.
If I want something, I ask for it. Women don't understand this. They give hints, and that is dumb.
Men understand that "yes" and "no" are perfectly acceptable answers to almost any question.
I can check my own oil.
We understand that the best time to say something is during the commercials.
And something I'd like to tell my wife that no woman has ever understood: If something a man says can be interpreted in two different ways and one of them made you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
Now I gotta go and try to decide what I want for dinner so when the wife calls, I can tell her.


I guess you haven't met a man with "MAN BOOBIES!!!!!" cuase yes they will and you also have things that sag later on in life, let me know when you feel them knocking at your knees!!!
ahhhhhh i have payed attention, just cause the rest is bigger doesn't make the package smaller, it JUST IS!!
When you "sit" down poo isn't picky. it mashes where ever it can. my son has made that quite obvious.