Who's got the most coraline alge?


I've only had my live rock for a few months
and I'm wondering what the coarline alge looks like on some
tanks out there that have been running for years and years. :D
Please post your coraline alge pics of well established LR.


Active Member
If only I had a digi cam :(
My LR is so covered in corraline that it is a solid deep purple and the coverage is so thick that it is smooth.


Active Member
You know, I am not really sure. I started off using a product called Aragamilk a while back and that seemed to do wonders for the coralline but not much else. From there I started the addition of seachem products for buffer and calc. Things slowly began to grow. however I noticed the greatest growth pattern when I stopped the addition of all additives and used straight instant ocean saltwater . . . . go figure.


Not exactly what you're looking for. This tanks only been up for a year and it's not covered with coralline, but it's a start.


here's a pic of my tank from almost 2 years ago.The back glass and sides are covered in coraline,as is the bottom inch of the front.I constantly have to scrape off the front to keep it clean.


Active Member
bang guy very nice i have only saw plateing coraline in 3 tanks before(yours,mine and a member of my local fish club) and i would say that bang guy winnes hands down;.


That plating coralline is great.
Also, I think the appeal in corraline is mostly its looks. Additionally, it will take nutrients away from less desirable algaes. And some corals prefer to establish themselves on top of coraline algae.
It's also a sign of a healthy tank.


Active Member
We just moved, and I flipped the tank around because we had scratches on the front glass. Our coraline is starting to come back though. This pump was perfectly clear two months ago when we moved because I scrubbed it during the move..might as well since it was out of water so long.


Active Member
Here's a nice rock I've had for about five years. I have no idea why there isn't much life on it other than coraline, but it does have about five different colors.:) If you look on the left side, there is some deep deep red colored coraline. This color hasn't grown much at all, but I see it in a few spots.