Who's the boss


What fish is the boss in your tank?Each fish in my tank seems to have a rank,so to speak.But,I think when it comes down to it,the female false perc seems to be in charge.The only fish that attempts to stand up to her is the hawkfish.Whenever he gets "out of line" she will swim around him and nudge him away.
In the reef, the chevron tang is boss fish. In the FOWLR, it is a serious toss up between the queen angel and the purple tang.
In my reef tank , the kole tang ( which surprised me a little.)

my gobie tank , the big knight goby

my aggressive , there is no toss up on this one. The picasso bows to my Fimbriated Moray.


I just traded my two aggressers(sailfin tang and orchid dotty) the dotty killed 3 shrimp,bicolor blenny and a yellow blenny(name slips me) the sailfin killed 2 featherdusters and just scared everything else. The fish are ecstatic now that they are gone. They all are right at the glass all the time. I got more shrimp,dusters and bicolor blenny again and all are happy.


in my 45 corner reef, my purple psuedo rules the roost
in my 125 gallon aggressive its my panther grouper, untill my bamboo shark moves around


Active Member
dont really have one...used to be my flase perc till she got a tank of her own, now the pearly jaw and black sailfin blenny are just two mellow guys, but if i had to pick form them, probably the jaw, just cause he opens him mouth up huge if the blenny comes by, not that the blenny cares of course!
good luck


Active Member
My yellow tang is actually more peaceful than some of the other ones I have owned. My tank really doesn't seem to fight too much because they all have a large amount of space. However, my purple pseudochromis is surprisingly much meaner than the tang. He is just flat out rude and nasty. But, given the size of my tank, I have absolutly no chance of catching the punk. He doesn't do too much damage anymore so I don't bother with exerting the effort. But if anyone, I would call him the boss, even over the yellow tang. :cool:


i think my perc. although i only have 2 fish in my tank the perc and the firefish..i think just by telling the names hints who runs the show;)


In my 75 the diadema pseudochromis (aka purple back, flash back) seems to get his way. He is in no way the biggest, that would be my dove of a yellow tang, but just has a chip on his shoulder. Thankfully each has enough room and lr to keep things quiet for the most part.