Who's this crabby fellow?

bang guy

Beautiful animal! Looks like a predator to me. I'd set up a species tank and see if you can figure out what it eats.

bang guy

With the color and the fact it came in on your Xenia, it wouldn't surprize me at all if it were a commensal Pontonides sp. There are only a couple hundred members of that group though ;) I don't think you'll ever know for sure but I think it's a better than 50/50 chance that it's a commensal.
It would still be a predator though and you should make an attempt to feed it so it doesn't have to hunt.


I checked the images site...wouldn't you know it? They have a photo that is almost identical, and its labeled "Unidentified soft-coral crab"


Interesting development with the unknown mystery white crab...
tonight I gave the tank it's weekly silverside treat (I feed the shrimps and the rhodactis by stick) and a piece fell onto the xenia where this crab lives. He grabbed it and sucked it down like theres no tomorrow...so he's at least a carnivore. I suspect he's eating the xenia, but if he is its so slow I can't really notice. But now I know I can supplement him with marine meats. Still can't find the little bugger on any website tho!


just because he ate the silverside doesnt mean hes strictly a carnivore all crabs are scavageners and will eat the easiest meal they can find. but if you can feed him to keep him happy go for it he is a cool looking crab. take a good look at his claws are the ends pointy and sharp or dull and flat? if there dull and flat chances are its an alge eater sharp and pointy then a good sign of a carnivore. but still a very cool looking crab