Whose pets love their tank?


I just love Yorkies! I had a Pom in college, then when I got married, we also got a Jack Russell & a Doxie mix. The Pom has since passed away...and the next tiny dog I want is a Yorkie. But we have a 2 year old, so I'm waiting until he's older before I get a delicate little dog!


Active Member
my toy poodle and wimaraner love it the wiemaraner is a puppy and loves the tank but my toy poodle watches it for hours i say wheres the fishies and he flies to the tank! its so funny
poodle also stares at my goby and the goby stares at him all the time its wierd ***)


One of our cats, Damien, will sit and watch the aquarium for hours, usually until he falls asleep. This morning, I noticed that when a fish jumps out, of which this is the first time, he will sit by it and watch it until someone can rescue it. When my hubby then put the traveler back in the tank, Damien watch the fish again. But then again this is a cat that thinks everything is his baby, even when friends bring over a big dog, Damien will mother it. He is one in a million and a trip to watch, he will also line up his stuffed babies in front of the TV to watch TV.


Active Member
Its a dog and cat thread ehhe... Yeah I use to have a pug but now miss having dogs around thinking of getting a english bull dog or another pug.


Originally Posted by dragonboy
Its a dog and cat thread ehhe... Yeah I use to have a pug but now miss having dogs around thinking of getting a english bull dog or another pug.


Originally Posted by dragonboy
Its a dog and cat thread ehhe... Yeah I use to have a pug but now miss having dogs around thinking of getting a english bull dog or another pug.
My parents have pugs....they're the sweetest dogs!


Active Member
We have two miniature dachshunds that sit on the arm of the couch and stare at the inhabitants all the time.ANother miniature dachshund that sets upright on the floor in front of the tank so she can see better, and our German Shepherd is always leaving nose and tongue prints on the glass. I say its the GSD as she is the only one capable of smearing up the outside tank glass that bad......


New Member
Our tank has been set up for a week, and our 3 cats love it. At anytime when the lights are on, you can walk in there and find at least one of them laying on the couch on one side, or the love seat on the other side and just staring at it. Our big male "J.J.", is particularly facinated with the Diamond Goby, and the Lawnmower Blenny. The Blenny, it appears, is taunting him by swimming around right in front of him until J.J. "pounces". It's hilarious!


Active Member
Originally Posted by dburr
Oh man, it was a sad day for me, Mama, my cat loved to sit on the end of my couch and stare at the fish, then she would fall asleep right there.
We had to put her down today because of severe heart disease. She was only 6 years old.

She could barely sit up the past couple days.
Anyway, I want to see more pics.

This is Mama.
i am gonna die. plz refrain from posting sad things like this in the future.


My Newfie, Madison when she was a pup, checking out my headboard tank, and a few months ago checking out my in-wall construction progress.



my cat loved my 55 gallon when i had the glass tops on it she would sit on top of the tank all day and watch everyone under her luckly she never got in and when i took the tops off she got her paw wet once and never tried to get back on the tank i have some great pictures of it but there on old 35mm film i know im outta date lol


Active Member
Dbur, oh my heavens, I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear about Mamma.
I can tell you, however, that your kitty found a great love in your home and could not have lived a more fulfilling life - short or not.
I have been there, it's absolutely heartbraking. My wish for you is that some day you might be able to share the love that Mamma knew with another pet in your life!


Active Member
here's the newest addition to the family, Lilly, trying to figure out if the tank is a big bowl full of food, or just fun to watch!



Lilly it too cute, she looks like her mom stacked up some pillows on the sofa so she could look and the action going on. Happy to hear that you found another set of little feet to fill you house after your loss.


I know this is an old thread but I finally caught Phsyco Kitty in action with thetank - sadly the pictures arent that great the camera wasnt set up for indoor pictures - but you get the idea