Why are my Chromis cyaneus dieing?


I have ordered from 3 different places and they have all croaked. I am beginning to think it is from my rufcrustls salt but not sure. I have a baby powder blue and atlantic tang that is doing great, getting fat as a pig!? The chromis only last 2 weeks then go one by one. There is no agression to note that would account for them dropping off. They drop off if they are alone or in my DT. I know they love to hide and I am thinking cyanide when captured, but, from some of the places I got them they do thier best not to get fish that have been treated in such a way. Yea, I know, even they dont know who they are really getting them from , but..... WITW!?
I am trying one more shipment before I give up.


Active Member
Chromis are notorious for knocking each other off until they are down to one. I agree with Beth some aggression going on and I would bet it is the Chromis themselves "thinning the herd".


My 4 chromis love eachother....lol
BUT I also have heard that they do kill eachother off...I am grateful that mine like each other.....they were part of my first inhabitants :)


I have watched the tank all weekend and execpt for a few spats here and there, there is no real agression. They have plenty of places to hide if they want and they choose to come out. They have been known to nip at each other and get charges by my atlantic tang, but, they just move 2" out of the way. I have never seen them get chased down and or around the tank, for two days. When they do need a rest, they go into the rock work. Like I said, there is all kinds of comfortable nooks and crannies for them to just hang out in. I am not ruling out agression, but, I just do not see enough to say that is it. Even if they were getting bullied when I am not there, again, they can easily just dip into thier favorite spots in a second with no worries. Remember too, these are the docile reef chromises.
I do appreciate the input though. Any other ideas?


i have the exact same problem.. kinda funny thought i was alone
last shipment was 10 and they dissapeared 1x1 until now im left with one
ive chalked it up to one of 3 culprits 1) very large 12 inch engineer goby. wish i could get him out:). 2) 1 of 3 very large brittle stars ones marroon and the other two are tan colored 3) the chromis themselves but i rarely find a body i would think i would find more bodies if they were killing each other. no other fish die or go missing just the chromis but they are the smallest fish in there and they start dissapearing a week or so after introduction no one dies in QT and they dissapear one at a time almost every other day it seems


I guess the strange part is that they say this is a very hardy fish!? I think they have it all wrong on these fish. I belive they are VERY sensative to thier environment.
Though, I would likely bet they are dieing off and the stars are having a feast, if they are not out right eating them as is, lol.
I have noticed that death comes at night half the time, but I have no preditors in my tank... Hmmm.....


Originally Posted by sikpupy
I have ordered from 3 different places and they have all croaked. I am beginning to think it is from my rufcrustls salt but not sure. I have a baby powder blue and atlantic tang that is doing great, getting fat as a pig!? The chromis only last 2 weeks then go one by one. There is no agression to note that would account for them dropping off. They drop off if they are alone or in my DT. I know they love to hide and I am thinking cyanide when captured, but, from some of the places I got them they do thier best not to get fish that have been treated in such a way. Yea, I know, even they dont know who they are really getting them from , but..... WITW!?
I am trying one more shipment before I give up.
I have the same problem. I have written them off. I have had 4 die, all one by one. I found three of the bodies, not sure where the other one went, probably under a rock. My theory is they picked on the smallest one, until it died. The last one died because he was alone? I don't know, but I am not putting another one in my tank.


Staff member
Originally Posted by tekisui
My theory is they picked on the smallest one, until it died. The last one died because he was alone?
That's my theory as well. Had the same experience.