Why Are My Nitrates So High?


I don't understand it......I have the the aquarium with the fish listed below, and I just did a nitrate and it showed between 40-50ppm. I have a Seaclone 100 skimmer and a Emperor 400. I also have a Marineland 1140 powerhead in the tank. I just did a water change about 2 weeks ago. I don't understand why my nitrates are so high. Could it be because I need to change the cartridges in my filter? Its really confusing me, because I though my fish load was fairly light. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

bang guy

Nitrates don't just go away, they must be removed. If you do a water change you will remove some but only what ever percentage of water you removed. Natural ways to reduce Nitrate include Growing and harvesting algae or Xenia, and/or a Deep Sand Bed.


I was thinking about the Xenia, but I want to make sure that they will live. Will Xenia's just attach themselves to a rock and sway in the current or what. How would I hook them up?


Your tank is really beautiful, you definintely have something to be proud of. I cannot believe the size of the refugium, its incredibly huge......where do you have it at your home? How did you get all that sand? I guess you probable will have a "no work" tank pretty soon. By the way, what about the xenia's look at the one of the above posts for the question, and thanks again for all your help tonight, and in the future.

bang guy

Nobody knows the perfect requirements for Xenia but I've found that a balanced Ca and ALK level, PH 8.1 - 8.4 but stable, a temp 82 - 85 but stable, Salinity around 35ppt and a lot of light makes it grow well. You best bet is to find some on a piece of rock and set it in the middle of a bunch of other rocks.
Do you have a Fish only??