Why can't we grow brine shrimp in the aquarium?


I have just begun to grow brine shrimp and phytoplankton. While I was setting up my bottles and airlines I began to wonder why we can't grow Brine shrimp in the aquarium. Does anyone have any input about this?

bang guy

If you have so much phyto in your tank that you can't see the back then Artemia will thrive. Otherwise, there just isn't enough food to sustain them long term.


I was on one of those super duper 500gal reef tank sites and they claimed that they had a school of brine living in the tank. I would bet that if anyone could do it Guy has to be the one with the best chance in his fuge.


I have a refuge and I was wondering if I placed enough phyto in the refuge for the shrimp to live off of would they continue to thrive there? I think they would all be eventually pumped up to the main tank or the phyto would either be pumped up too or it would die. I don't really know, does anyone know if this would be possible?