Why do we do this?


Active Member
You know I got into this hobby and there were things that I learned I needed to do but I really didnt learn the reason. So now I would like to know why.
Water changes I know why but it is all the prep before it goes into the system.
IE the airation, the adding of the salt days in advance ect.....
Seems silly but I never really thought about it.


Active Member
There are many mineral components to properly mixed saltwater. Some of these dissolve right away and some take much longer to dissolve. If everything is not completely dissolved, your water chemistries will not be ideal.
To dissolve salts more quickly, the water should be heated and mixed. The aeration is primarily helping with the mixing of the water.



Originally posted by elfdoctors
The aeration is primarily helping with the mixing of the water.

And with stabalizing ph


Personally I think 24hrs is overkill. I mix my saltmix at 120F, put in an air stone then cover it and let it sit for about 10hrs. Then I pull the towel off that is covering the bucket and let the temp come down to equal my tank then add it. I haven't had any issues so far.


Active Member
DEdwards- Are you using hot water out of your tap?? Why mix the water so hot?
If Bang Guy reads this, would like his input, I am thinking I heard him say once that it is best to mix the salt into COLD water first, then heat it up and airate it. Something about the way the salt/minerals dissolve in hot water.
Anyway, I just keep 30gallons mixed up all the time, it is no big deal. Once every two weeks I make up a batch and it is ready to go.


Active Member
Mine takes a bit longer to draw. Roughly 5gal a day.
I have a cheezy RO with a tank. The water is good but it is SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW


Active Member
I think 24hrs is the generally accepted time.
Results may vary.
That'd be my suggestion anyway.
DEdwards, without proper testing, there is no way to say "it doesn't effect your fish"
Also too, it may not be as good in smaller tanks, where concetrations are different. And depends on how hardy the fish you keep are.


It's funny because my 2 percas love to swim in the freshly made water as I pour it in. Salts don't truely disolve in any water, hense the reason for topping off with freshwater. Hot water breaks the salt crystals down faster so it appears that they dissolve faster. BTW...I never said that it doesn't affect them, i just haven't had any issues with it and until I do this is my method... :p


Active Member

Originally posted by DEdwards
I don't have a sump.... AHHHHHHHHHH :scared:

Im my 46 that doesn't ahve a sump, I pour it into the HOB filter.
So it's more diluted..and mixes with the current water a little better..


Guess I shouldnt mention that my 75g new reef has only a seaclone 100 and a cascade canister filter.


i think a lot of us don't have a sump but don't say so cause all the others that do will trash talk. I have NO sump and have yet to have a SINGLE death in my 55g. Go figure
Knock on wood.


Active Member

Originally posted by nc2tarheel
i think a lot of us don't have a sump but don't say so cause all the others that do will trash talk. I have NO sump and have yet to have a SINGLE death in my 55g. Go figure
Knock on wood.

Sumps aren't a requirement...And no one will say they are..
All they are is a neater way to have all your Equpitment under the tank.
You can have all the necessary HOB if you want.
So anyone who says they are REQUIRED doesn't know what they are talking about.


New Member
With regards to using hot tap water, I would advise against it (though i'm certainly no expert). The hotter the water coming from your faucet, the more minerals and heavy metals will be dissolved from the pipes. In my opinion, it would be much less risky to use cold water and heat it afterwards, maybe by placing your saltwater container in a bathtub filled with hot water.
Any other opinions?


What about Catalina (Natural) Sea Water? only about $0.59/gallon.
Filtered and guaranteed 0 for trite, trate and ammonia for water changes and distilled to top off.


Active Member
also, if im correct, the colder water also has more O2 in it.
did you ever drink the water when you are taking a hot shower?
i mix my saltwater with lukewarm water, and let it sit about an hour before it goes into my tank (no sump either).
i was having ammonia and ph problems, but for different reasons.


I think Catalina is just the brand...what does your LFS call their Natural Sea Water? or are we just jaded here in Cali?