why does it seem people are unhappy these days


Active Member
ive just noticed over the past 5 years or so that people are to much in a hurry to enjoy life anymore, today i whent to the gas station and it was full so i had to wait in line this lady drive next to my car and reamed me out because she couldnt get threw. i found it quite comical and then i wondered why people are like this now adays .even 5 to ten years ago people were just more relaxed.
is it technology making us this way or the need to have both people working 60 hrs a weak to have the 500000 dollar house and 2 beemers :thinking:


Active Member
i think people are turning into drones, the media is responsible in my eyes all the doom and gloom they never say anything positive anymore, ie: 30 more years and the planet will overheat, and our kids will die, the war today 8 americans killed in action, nevermind the 87 insurgents that got killed in the same battle, that goes back to walter cronkite in viet nam we lost about 52000 soldiers we killed over 250000 of theirs but we lost the war, no politics did what they do, and the media promoted our deaths, the tet offensive, they preached like we lost, no that was not a loss, in todays world we are paying over 3.00 a gal. for gas but we still export our oil, instead of building up our reserves, then you have nafta, corporate downsizing, and wal-mart killing evey mom n pop store in america, yeah people are just fallin apart at the seems, schools aren't safe, i think if america would start looking out for itself the country would be happier just my .02...tobin


Active Member
I agree. Its the media. They never show what good we are doing in Iraq and Afganistan. I think that if the media showed what was good thousands of people would respect the soilders and Bush. I also think with all of the stuff about what our world is coming to. Humans are smart we will find a way to stop this.


People are just downright spoiled. Fast food is not fast enough, packages are not pretty enough, you get a million packages from UPS and only pay attention to the one that was late.
Spoiled. Taking life for granted.
I think people are scared and untrusting because of the media, but I think unhappiness is a bad hadit people were raised with, but it all stems, from eing spoiled, IMO.


Active Member
so do u think it can be because of the technolgy today and how easy it is to get something right away , it was just so much simpiler


Active Member
i would probably be dead if it wasn't for technology i have fought cancer twice now, still fighting it to this day for that matter, but the uneasiness of not knowing if your job will be there from day to day has to stress alot of people out, i would love to live in mayberry but those times are gone forever...tobin


Active Member
we r americans.. lol
technology is a part of it someway or another
just imagine if the clock wasnt invented... life would be awesome lol
well i think life is wasyyy to short so enjoy life and take it day by day rather then rush rush rush.. im a laidback kinds guy


Active Member
Sorry to hear that tobin. I lost my Grammy in Dec of 05 to pancreatic cancer she was only 59.. It was so hard to see it. My aunt has lung cancer. Its a hard thing. Stress and bad health habbits are whats causing death. I myself want to eat more fruits and less fast food. Im not fat but since im young I have a high metabolism. I want to live longer and eat healthier.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seasalt101
i would probably be dead if it wasn't for technology i have fought cancer twice now, still fighting it to this day for that matter, but the uneasiness of not knowing if your job will be there from day to day has to stress alot of people out, i would love to live in mayberry but those times are gone forever...tobin
some technology is great and im glad u pulled threw . but im talking about cell phones and video games and anything else that turns us into mush


Active Member
I have no answer for you but I do notice a lot of people talk about how bad things are. I guess I am just too happy of a person. I get to see the sun everyday, I get to sleep in a comfortable bed, I have plenty of food, and I do not have to worry about getting shot walking down the street. I think things are pretty good and I do not understand the people who are always unhappy.


Active Member
yeah through everything i've managed to keep my optimistic views for the most part i'm pretty much a happy go lucky guy and i'm sorry for your aunt and granny, by the way i would hardly ever eat fast food before and tried to eat right religously, never mind all that stuff what i've learned is that the workplace causes alot more cancer than health habits, just look the next time you go to work at all the labels stating this product has been known to cause cancer, i worked in the oilfields that is what caused mine, all the toxins you deal with on a daily basis is unreal, and i healthwise am doin pretty good now just numb fingers (harder than heck to type) and cold feet all the time (poor circulation argghhhhh) can't wait to go back to work though i miss the money that i was making....tobin


Active Member
I hate cell phones!! I keep seeing six years old riding bikes talking on their cell phones and it drives me nuts. I don't even have one, I hate talking on the phone at all but now it just seemed totally acceptable to be eating dinner out or go up to buy something while talking away. When I worked at a video store I would ignore people until they hung up and were ready to focus on me. Other than that I don't know why people are so rude now.


Active Member
personally i think the increase in gas prices and the decrease in tolerance have a good correllation (sp?). Plus, being in what seems to be a losing battle in the Mid East grates on people. Not to mention that our President is making jokes (even though its a serious matter) about how he wishes it was a year ago even with how bad he was doing back then (he said something about how a year ago his approval rating was in the high 30's, his VP just shot someone, and something else bad, then sighed and said those were the good old days)
the country is going to heck in a hand basket, and there's not one thing anyone is ever going to do about it. I feel guilty trying to have kids knowing the world they are going to grow up in will suck even more than now.

mr. guitar

I think the problem with people not bein happy is they don't have the Holy Spirit in them. I believe everyone should be more spirit filled than money filled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
I think the problem with people not bein happy is they don't have the Holy Spirit in them. I believe everyone should be more spirit filled than money filled.
i cant argue with that


Staff member
So did more people have the Holy Spirit 10 yrs ago?
I think its just rather tense times, and a lot of it is all the negetivity that we see every day on TV or movies, the crimerate in a lot of cities, etc. This has got to have an effect on every single person. And not everyones' coping ability is the same to deal with it.


Active Member
We are surrounded by negativity...we invite it...we need it. We watch it on the news and eat it up. Gloom and doom. We go to the movies for it, we listen for it in our music, we "play it" in video games. Horrific things. "its just entertainment" - yeah, anyone who finds that stuff entertaining has a problem, IMO. The hits are the most disgusting things out there - horror movies and raunchy music 10 years ago was NOTHING compared to this. We have little respect for others anymore...they have something we want. We are driven by greed, envy, lust and false idols. We were warned about these things...
Its hard to be good, nice and compassionate. It takes effort. And I think people aren't asked to expend that effort. If you can't do it, its all OK. You're great anyway! Yeah! You can't play sports as a kid because you may lose, so we have to be fair all the time. We don't learn, and when the real world comes around, no doubt some find it hard to adapt.
Kids are raised by parents who are their "friends" and give them all manner of things my parents would have laughed at handing out. No one wants anyone to be upset, and so many don't learn how to do so productively and constructively.


Very well said.
Kids today are taught that their "feelings" are more important than how they act. I do believe that fewer and fewer are being taught that God is watching. (I know that kept me straight about 90% of the time when I was growing up.) Almost anything is acceptable if it makes them feel more accepted and gives the growing ego a boost. They are given almost any and everything they want while the parents are drowning in credit card debt to finance their lifestyle. Then, when the kids leave home and have to live in the real world without a safety net, they have nowhere to go but down: Down in income, down in lifestyle, down in their confidence, down in self-worth, then down to therapy. Perhaps that all began when women went to work outside the home and parents began to feel guilty about the time they didn't spend with their kids. 2-income families may equal more money, but also more stress. The cycle has gotten worse and worse every few years. Meanwhile, people keep having more children than they can afford and the cycle continues.
Too much "political correctness". No matter how hard we try, it is impossible to accommodate everyone and we are ridiculous to try. Some things we just must stand up for.
Over-population. (This big planet is shrinking like a 10-gallon aquarium with 20 reproducing tangs)
The media.
Overly competitive marketplace combined with fast-paced changes in technology.
No one has time or $ for actual vacations anymore.
Global warming and impending doom.
It is not just one thing - it is a conglomeration. I was right in the big middle of the "frowning sector" - stressed and mad at myself for allowing that to happen, but I have recently made it a point to re-dedicate myself to God and have found that, although it does not change any of the above issues, it sure helps me to deal with them more easily and to keep my eye on the prize, so to speak. That alone gives me comfort and encourages me to stay away from that materialistic trap.