why does it seem people are unhappy these days

i think it is how the new generation of children is being raised.. iam not trying to make any body mad, but kids are so lazy and are spoiled with junk food, not only that, teens are thinking that they have to be "HARD CORE" to be cool and have tattoos from head to toe.
tv and cell phones are taking over, when i was growing up, there was just nintendo (spelling). but you never found me at home with my face glue to any video game or computer..
also the internet, you cant get on any more, with out a thousand ADULT web sites popping up. kids are being brought up thinking that --- is everything. not knowing that they are just hurting themselves..
i dont think the world is going mad, i think we are just making our future a bunch a lazy, over weight , compture geeks, and it is because of all this new technology.
and the goverment is paying families to buy food and drinks, with out them having jobs.. (it good for poeple who need it) but so manyt poeple know that they can get WIC and other stuff for free and can continue to stay lazy.
again---not trying to make anybody mad....

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by Beth
So did more people have the Holy Spirit 10 yrs ago?
I think its just rather tense times, and a lot of it is all the negetivity that we see every day on TV or movies, the crimerate in a lot of cities, etc. This has got to have an effect on every single person. And not everyones' coping ability is the same to deal with it.
Well just look at everyone. A ton of people seem depressed all the time these days, especially with gas prices and wars goin on. In my opinion people these days don't take church seriously. They just think..."Oh I go to church. I'm a Christian. My life is perfect." Well guesss what? They're wrong. You're never depressed, down, or anything of that sort when you've got the Holy Spirit with ya. Not trying to be mean by the way.


I don't know whether there were more people filled with the Holy Spirit 10 years ago, but religious confusion certainly seems more prevalent now than it was then.
Our freedom of religion can be a dangerous concept. Think our founding fathers could ever have anticipated globalization and all the religions that would evolve outside of Christianity? Oh boy, more options, more choices - something else to stress about.


Active Member
Well I guess there’s nothing we can do about it its inevitable , kids are growing up in day care so mom and dad can both work and have the best for themselves even though it causes much more stress ,the more money u make the more u spend and the more credit card debt u have, what’s the point when someone else is raising your child, then u have kids becoming zombies with video games the internet,tv,there little minds are being warped with the ever increasing swearing and

on television. Then u also have political correctness and exceptence of things u dont believe in but there being taught its ok to be gay. And oh yes the doom and gloom that were destroying the earth arrrrg. I also think the usa would be much safer if we actually punish people like we are supposed to like when the laws were made instead of trying to rehabilitate people and letting them out just to do it again.luckily I don’t give into worldly things my kids three and he doesn’t know what mcdonalds is , we sit every night at the dinner table like we did when we were kids ,he doesn’t here mom and dad yell and we tivo all are shows and whatch them when hes in bed. Oh I also spank him when he’s bad I don’t believe in time outs


More people like you should be writing books instead of all these authors who do not believe in spanking, but love to call time-outs and (my favorite) counting to 3 and then 10 and then 20.
Tivo is a good use of modern technology. Can't beat Andy Griffith!

Which leads me to another point - - - we need more uplifting shows like that instead of all this reality and soap opera type thing. After all, I believe the fact that we aren't all doing so well in our own realities is what started this


Active Member
Originally Posted by new2us
More people like you should be writing books instead of all these authors who do not believe in spanking, but love to call time-outs and (my favorite) counting to 3 and then 10 and then 20.
Tivo is a good use of modern technology. Can't beat Andy Griffith!

Which leads me to another point - - - we need more uplifting shows like that instead of all this reality and soap opera type thing. After all, I believe the fact that we aren't all doing so well in our own realities is what started this
i started this thread because i noticed people are just alot ruder and miserable , just the everyday people u see at the store and such


...and I certainly agree. It's like we are all getting dragged down by the negatives in our realities instead of being uplifted by the positives.


I'll tell you why Im unhappy. Because I have to wait for everything now days. Traffic, commercials, long lines, customer service. It seems like you cant do anything anymore without having to wait. You even have to wait to go places to get away from waiting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
I'll tell you why Im unhappy. Because I have to wait for everything now days. Traffic, commercials, long lines, customer service. It seems like you cant do anything anymore without having to wait. You even have to wait to go places to get away from waiting.
im sure overcrowding isnt helping i read that we get 10000 illegal immagrant a day in here im sure thats not helping


Active Member
Maybe I am missing something but I do not think people are any less happy now compared to a few years ago. It may seem like more people are unhappy now or that times are worse but I believe that has a lot to do with how we view the past. I know I tend to forget the bad things from the past and I tend to remember the good things. I find myself occationally thinking about something I missed from my past, but then if I think about it more I realize there were bad things that went along with the good memories. I continuously remind myself to enjoy life. After hearing all the things that are 'wrong' with the world all I find I need to do is look up in the sky and see the sun, or breath fresh air, or simply turn around and view the piece of the ocean I have setup in my home. Than things like waiting at a stoplight or being stuck behind a slow driver do not bother me as much.


IMO people are not happy because we do not make the time to have fun anymore. It is work, work, work. I am one, I usually work 55 to 60 hours a week and when it is my days off I work at home catching up on things I did not get done because I worked overtime. We are in a society that everything has to be now this instant.
On the cancer deal, keep up the fight.
We are having a real bad year. My mother died of Pancreatic(sp?) cancer. A friend of my wife's died last month from a brain anrysum(sp?) my Grandmother passed away on May 3 from cancer and her husband was just diagnosed with a aggressive prostrate cancer. Plus, my wife's father has a month to live from lung cancer. I think cancer is running crazy now days.


I bet most people are unhappy because the world is full of crap.
Politicians are full of crap, our leaders and people in poitions of power or authority are usually full of crap. The corporations we work and the bosses that tell us what to do are full of crap. TV and advertisments tell you or show you how full of crap they are.
I was flipping through the channels on TV last night and came to that channel I flip past as fast as possible - MTV. It showed some teenage kid driving a brand new Benz sedan with 3 other teenage friends all wearing armani or gucci or versace or whatever disgustingly expensive and useless clothes yuppie kids wear these days. This sedan pulled in front of some 3 story monstrosity of a mansion with a brick driveway and a massive water fountain while all passengers in the car were yelling at their cell phones. I, personally, don't want to see that crap. All it does is show me how immoral and absolutely brain-dead rich people are. That was just a glimpse of a family in the top half percent of the world's wealthiest, and all it did for me was make me wish every single tragedy and misery upon them.
I digress. I can tell you why i'm unhappy - because I wake up every morning. Because I have to live this life of useless meaninglessness. I wake up every morning wishing I hadn't, I go to work everyday working for some corporation that doesn't know I exist, I work with people who are immoral, inconsiderate, rude, stupid or just outright mean. I go above and beyond what I my job calls for for some of these people with no appreciation, no recognition. I go home and watch TV that tells me I need natural male enhancement, that I need a queer eye, that I need to watch people with nothing better to do with their life than sing. I see advertisements directed toward males and every single one involves ---.
I'm unhappy because I can't rid myself of society, or rid society of myself.


Active Member
Aww Windmill, turn that frown upside down J/K. Seriously though, don't watch tv. Make a plan to change career paths...aim for one where you can work in a rural setting or possibly from home. I know easier said than done, but if you hate people, than try to find a way to live your life without having to interact with most of them on a day to day basis. Lots of people have done alright removing themselves from society.


Active Member
wow, windmill's unhappiness just made me unhappy!!!
where's Mr. Guitar when he's needed...
its funny, i just stood in line at the deli counter watching this slow as molassis woman taking care of people. My inability to be patient got me perty upset watching this woman waste 5 minutes of my time because she was waddling too slow while taking care of the person in front of me. If there were 5 people in front of me, and the person was hustling i wouldn't have thought 5 minutes was too long a wait. but for only one person to be served in 5 mins just ticks me off.

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by windmill
I bet most people are unhappy because the world is full of crap.
Politicians are full of crap, our leaders and people in poitions of power or authority are usually full of crap. The corporations we work and the bosses that tell us what to do are full of crap. TV and advertisments tell you or show you how full of crap they are.
I was flipping through the channels on TV last night and came to that channel I flip past as fast as possible - MTV. It showed some teenage kid driving a brand new Benz sedan with 3 other teenage friends all wearing armani or gucci or versace or whatever disgustingly expensive and useless clothes yuppie kids wear these days. This sedan pulled in front of some 3 story monstrosity of a mansion with a brick driveway and a massive water fountain while all passengers in the car were yelling at their cell phones. I, personally, don't want to see that crap. All it does is show me how immoral and absolutely brain-dead rich people are. That was just a glimpse of a family in the top half percent of the world's wealthiest, and all it did for me was make me wish every single tragedy and misery upon them.
I digress. I can tell you why i'm unhappy - because I wake up every morning. Because I have to live this life of useless meaninglessness. I wake up every morning wishing I hadn't, I go to work everyday working for some corporation that doesn't know I exist, I work with people who are immoral, inconsiderate, rude, stupid or just outright mean. I go above and beyond what I my job calls for for some of these people with no appreciation, no recognition. I go home and watch TV that tells me I need natural male enhancement, that I need a queer eye, that I need to watch people with nothing better to do with their life than sing. I see advertisements directed toward males and every single one involves ---.
I'm unhappy because I can't rid myself of society, or rid society of myself.

I do have to agree with you one some things but when you say..."I can tell you why I'm unhappy..." No one's life is meaningless. Millions live for Christ everyday. I care about my life. I care about where I'm going after I die. I care about others who haven't found Christ. I care about teaching others the Word of God. I care about people who don't have much spiritually. I care just about everyone. I care about you right now and everyone else on this forum. So tell me...is my life worth living for? Of course it is.
"For to me to live is Christ, but to die, is gain."
-Phillipians 1:21
Ok about your T.V. problem...just don't watch those channels. Change it to DayStar. I love that channel...except when certain people are on there. Listen to music, read your Bible, read another book. There's more life than just sittin on the couch watchin T.V.
Please keep note that I'm not tryin to be mean!


Active Member
I see that everyone has around the same idea. Which means we should change it and learn that we live alot better than others?


Active Member
Do we? or is that just some political mumbojumbo? i don't have the proof to back it up, but i'd bet there's other countries out there that have it a lot happier and better than the general public of the USA.