why im LEAVING saltwater... no more reef :(


hey is that chart still up for grabs? Are you trying to sell that too or can you type me up a copy here? (I'm poor as dirt too!) :p It would be nice to have a chart like that to keep my b/f on track with the tank (it's at his house but he's kinda maitanence impaired.) :rolleyes:


Active Member
of course im not selling that chart.
i typed it up in excel. email me and ill send the file
i still have the tank guys
Katfish50..email me...lets talk
So you guys think i'll get more cash by breaking it up? what could i sell the corals for? And after shipping, you really wouldnt save..would you?..if i can get more parting out i will..but the only things of real value are the livestock...and lights..right?