why is 1head of candy cane and 1 head of hammer dead


New Member
Anybody know why one head of candy cane turned brown and should I do a iodine dip? My hammer has seven heads and one of them retracted into coral and looks to be dead. Oh by the way the flesh on my candy cane seems to be retracting also please help. Thanks Keith


does it look...jellyish? have you ever heard of brown jelly disease?
Can you get a pic?
I had bjd with a hammer...I cut the bad head off, and dipped the other head in lugols iodine dip....the one head died, and the other is fine


New Member
Now that you say that it seems to be brown jelly. I will do a dip tonight. How long do I let It dip for? The tank has been set up for a year or so. Thanks


You need to cut off the infected head....and dip for a good 5 minutes, and then rinse in sw before putting back in tank.
Do you have a sump? If you do, you can toss the infected head in there after the dip....someone told me they did this and theres came back...MINE did not....
DO YOU have a pic??


New Member
I already cut heads off today and will post pic in the a.m. the lights are out. How much flow do they need. I heard if to much the flesh on the candy cane will retract? Thanks
No Sump


Sump isn't important...lol..just telling what iwas told
Don't put them in direct flow....are you dipping tonight or tomorrow?


Originally Posted by kwharrie
tomorrow or should I do it tonight. Just do the dip how it says on the bottle of luigis iodine?
LOL...depends on how much longer you plan on staying up....
You can mix the solution like it says on the bottle, but I would only dip for 5 minutes....then, in a seperate container of tank water...rinse real good before you put it back in tank


New Member
I put it in the wrong thread but I did an Iodine dip it it seem to like it and only time will tell. Thanks All


Originally Posted by kwharrie
I put it in the wrong thread but I did an Iodine dip it it seem to like it and only time will tell. Thanks All
Good luck,,,if you can I'd like to see pics, and get an update


I also have a candy cane coral frag, that I got here on SWF.com and the skeleton is showing.
Is it a loss for sure ?
NOTE : it came with little to no water in the bag,as the skeleton cut the bag in transport.