Why is My Ca kicking my Butt?


Active Member
My Ca is 250, my Alk is 5.53meq/l, my ph is 8.1...
I have conducted 25-30% water changes every other day for about a week now...the first 3 were 24 hours between them...yesterday, I added 1 tsp kalk to 1.5 gallons water...added it throughout morning...the Ca actually went down to 240 or so, I cannot get it to come up. Why?
This has been on going for a couple of weeks now.
Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
do you have a way of adding Crushed coral or crushed oyster shells to a filter? It may help to get some water flowing over either of those.
I agree with Kip on the kalk. Keep an eye on things for the next couple of days. Adding kalk fast could crash the system. I dumped a buhch of kalk in a test tank and it took three weeks to recover. Ph was off the scale as well as ammonia and nitrItes. Needless to say I was glad I tested before doing that in my display.

bang guy

I agree with everything Kip said... Mg could be the problem or a bad test kit. 240 is below saturation level and I'm not sure if that can actually happen in a reef tank.
beaslbob - What's the theory behind "adding Crushed coral or crushed oyster shells to a filter"? I can see where this would add to the biofiltration but I don't see what it has to do with Calcium.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
beaslbob - What's the theory behind "adding Crushed coral or crushed oyster shells to a filter"? I can see where this would add to the biofiltration but I don't see what it has to do with Calcium.

I heard that was one way of buffering calcium. I tried it on my system and calcium has gone up. Just don't know if it is just a spike or more long term. As always any input appreciated.

bang guy

Well, practical experience is more vaulable than theory but I don't believe either of those substances can dissolve at a normal reef PH.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Well, practical experience is more vaulable than theory but I don't believe either of those substances can dissolve at a normal reef PH.

You're probably right. that is the reason I asked. Probably just some shipping dust. I'll wait a couple of weeks to see how it works out.


Active Member
Previous test kits were Red Sea for the Ca and SeaChem for the Alk...both were only about 2 months old. New kits are Salifert for the Alk, and Marine Enterprises for the Ca...both Ca test are pretty close and the Salifert Alk reads a little higher then the SeaChem.
I use Marine Enterprises, Crystal Sea salt, and have been for nearly 18 months. Water is RO/DI, and allowed to sit at least 24 hours with circulation and heat. Circulation is a Mag 7 in a 32 gallon Rubbermade.
As for the precipitation. When I was dosing with Kalk, yes. I was dosing at a rate of 1.5 tsp per 1 gallon water. This is for approx 100 gallons water volume.
Sorry for the long delay have been busy. I will get new test results and let you know. Oh, I dont test for the Mg, but will as soon as test kit gets here.
Thanks guys.


Active Member
Oh and also...the Kalk mix is Two Little Fishies, and I also use as needed SeaChem's Reef Builder, and Reef Buffer...and every now and then C Balance.