Why people don't like Damsels?


I have read a few post that people don't like damsels.... why? I like the jewel damsels and also the chromis. Can you guys pls help me make a decision if I should get a few of these guys for my 75 set up.


Chromis are fine
Most other damsals are pure mean rotten SOB's.
I had a domino damsel kill all my other ones, he got huge. In the middle of the night he would make noises in the tank as well. I can't even describe it.
Most people who have had them and then decide it was a bad descision find out just how hard they are to catch as well.
Trust me they are mean, rotten, ungreatful, peasants, they should be made to cut down the largest tree in the forrest with a herring.


I love my devil damsel.:D
But I have him by himself in my 10 gallon tank so I don't know if he will fight with other fish if I add any.



Occupation: counselor
Your so tolerant, and you have very good points. I bow down to your superior word and people skills.
No foolin.
Yes you are correct, and if you do have damsels I would certainly add them last as you mention, and never a herd of them again.
But for many if you have damsels, you'll find that its YOU who will be in distress.
Tro I had two domino, two blue devil, and two zebra, that was a rather explosive combination. Frankly the zebra aren't all bad either. I had never had a blue devil that was a peaceful citizan, but then they were always kept with other damsals.
I've had others before as well, beside the huge domino, I did have a blue devil that was ok with a large maroon clown in the 55 at one time.
Nice to see you around


THX for the info guys I'll let my wife read what you guys have said and let her make her mind. She really wants the cromis but also saw a few damsels that she saw on this site and she was asking about them. THX again guys Rick


Active Member

Originally posted by wwfstyle
I have read a few post that people don't like damsels.... why? I like the jewel damsels and also the chromis. Can you guys pls help me make a decision if I should get a few of these guys for my 75 set up.

I have a tank full of Damsels and I love watching them.
They are definatley not boring to watch. They are always doing something.
usually Darting around at Mach 50. Claiming thier little homes in the rocks, then Dart around the tanksome more, eat, chase each other, dart some more, hide, chase, eat, well you get the picture.
I can always be guarranteed Amusement by them.


i had a couple of domino damsels. One got this huge lump on his head. He was an evil

. Catching him was rather fun at first then i seen what i had done and it was no longer fun. Basically i had to take out almost all my LR to get the fish out. He had killed the other one. Best time to catch them is to sneak up on them in the dark :)


I think that Damsels are just like people, there are some assholes, and there are some nice ones.... All of the fish in my tank get along quite well, including the Damsels. I believe it has more to do with how comfortable they are in their home than the fish itself... any creature becomes aggressive in an over populated environment, and lets face it, MOST people overstock their little tanks....
My Damsels are a very important and fun part of my tank, and get along very well with the other fish..


I had a run int yesterday with my 2 3-stripe damsels.. and a newly added scooter blenny.
they just attacked him.. and would never stop. One would corner him the other would swim from above straight down on him. Usually they just protect their rocks.. but they would not let the blenny move at all. needless to say I had to remove them but catching them is not easy as mentioned above.. I manged to get one out and he will now be a permanant resident in the QT tank, and as soon as I get the other one out he will join.
the will do find in the QT, they lived through the cycle without a problem tough little fish.. matter of fact I was so mad because it took me so long to catch him he was just dumped in the QT with no acclimation. Litttle turd is doing just fine though.


Active Member
i also thought damsels were ok after being told not to.....i had to take all my LR out of the tank 180lbs. to catch him he would not let any other fish go to the bottom of the tank....not fun...good luck


Active Member
I love my Green Chromis.
But my Blue Damsel and my Yellow Tail Damsel... Glad they're gone.


I wonder if using Damsels to cycle your tank is what makes them mean... Maybe living thru that does something to them.. I did not cycle my tank with live Damsels and mine are not mean at all.... :)



Originally posted by DaveB
I wonder if using Damsels to cycle your tank is what makes them mean... Maybe living thru that does something to them.. I did not cycle my tank with live Damsels and mine are not mean at all.... :)

Good point.. did not think about that.


I think You've hit upon something. Who wouldn't be p&*^%d off at the world after being used to cycle a tank?
The meanest fish I have is a pair of false percs. They both bite and the big one can break the skin!


i'm trying to catch my domino and give him back.. i figure why waste bioload on him when i could have a yellow watchan or a yellow clown.. (which he would surely own)...
he picked on my firefish for the first week, now he's ok... he does get picked on by my false percs...
i have a plan... two nets, one on each side of his hiding spot... and spook the ---- out of him.


Active Member
how about baiting a clear bottle with food after not feeding them for a few days. When they swim in, pull them out.
I have a more specific post about this somewhere... I'll look for it.



Originally posted by DaveB
I wonder if using Damsels to cycle your tank is what makes them mean... Maybe living thru that does something to them.. I did not cycle my tank with live Damsels and mine are not mean at all.... :)

I didn't use mine to cycle my tank and it is most definitely a blue DEVIL!!! The way I see it is that if you are only going to have just the damsel, you will do fine, but try adding any other fish and you'll be hating...seriously, my damsel harrasses my clown, my angelfish & my chromis, she doesn't like anyone and no one likes her because of that attitude...and OH MY GOSH she's completely impossible to catch.....I wish I'd NEVER even seen a damsel.....I love the Blue Chromis tho, and they are SWEET


I have a yellow tail and am glad to say that i really enjoy the personality that he bring to my tank. My percula keeps him in line though. good luck with your decision.


New Member

Originally posted by DaveB
I wonder if using Damsels to cycle your tank is what makes them mean... Maybe living thru that does something to them.. I did not cycle my tank with live Damsels and mine are not mean at all.... :)

It's called the "Damsels Revenge".
I've found that if you remove them and move the LR in different positions it messes up their teritories, then you can add the other tank mates without significant problems. There are acceptions though.