why won't my clownfish go in the anemone


New Member
i have two false percula clownfish which i've had for a while. they're about 3 inches long.
i bought a bubble tip rose anemone today because the fish store owner informed me that they would go into the anemone, but they aren't. They don't even swim near it. is it possible for me to get my clownfish to interact with the anemone?


New Member
i have 2 false percula clowns.
i just bought a bubble tip rose anemone.
they won't go into the anemone.
why not?
is there any way to get them to go inside it?
i spent a lotta money and waited 3 weeks for the anemone to come =(


Give it a couple of weeks, it may take some time for them to find it, acclimate themselves to it, sometimes it just doesn't happen immediatly.
Then again it may never happen.
Other factors include if your percs are wild or tank raised.
Also give the anemone time to adjust to its new suroundings, it may be on the move after a few days, and the clowns may bother it while it searches out is best location.


Active Member
Do you know how to care for the anemone? And the lighting requirements?
Many people have had success with taping a picture of another clown hosting in an anemone. Just find a pic online, print, and tape. Some clowns will not host at all though.


New Member
yea i have a decent water flow with flourescent lighting and a blue bulb. also i have kent -marine coral vite. thanks for the advice


Active Member
Do you mean normal output florescents? If you payed less than $75 for the lights then it is probably NO lights. That is far from enough lights for the anemones and any other corals. They require at LEAST PC or VHO lights, MH would be even better. Youo should bring the anemone back for credit or upgrade your lights. Let use know and we can point you in the right direction.
BTW, how big is your tank?


Active Member
Oh, and plz don't post the same question in two different forums. Just pick the one forum that fits the topic the best and post there.

bang guy

Bubbletip Anemone are not natural hosts for Ocellaris Clownfish. This doesn't mean the fish won't eventually accept the Anemone as a host but it does mean that it's not automatic as the store owner stated.
Taping a picture to the tank worked for me.


Active Member
Even if it was it's natural host it would probably take a few days to a week. I'd wait at least that long before taping Bang Guy's ugly mug to your tank. I mean who wants to see that all the time:eek:

bang guy


Originally posted by Wrassecal
I mean who wants to see that all the time:eek:

That's why it worked. They became so frightened they dove into the Green Hairy Mushrooms and have yet to come out.

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have a pair of percula clowns, and i also have a RBTA.
I have had the clowns for 5-6 months, and the anenome for
4 months. They have never hosted it. They are both wild, and have hosted in a carpet before. Now that i hear that people have success with the pic taping thing, i will try it. :yes:


Active Member
Need any info on the right types of lights? If you aren't sure, just ask. The anemones need like 300+ PC or VHO lights, or some MH, depending on the tank size.


Active Member
told ya! Isn't it exciting when you walk by and there they are? As stated above though don't ignore the lighting. The anenome is going to need 3 - 5 watts per gal of pc or vho. Also, feed it a meaty food (silversides, mysis) a couple times a week.
Congrats! and thank goodness you didn't have to tape Bangs pic on the tank :D