Why would she leave me with this mess???


Active Member
OK, I'm a bit pi$$ed off right now so here's my rant...
I'm home with my girls, with a very sick baby, cleaning a disgusting house right now. I work hard all week, I watch the girls so she can go out, or when she wants to go out of town for the weekend. I buy her flowers, straighten up the house... I do all of the grocery shopping. During my free time, I'm always either studying or working out. My wife spends the weeks with the girls. She does laundry and KIND OF cleans the house.
Why is it that when she is with the girls on Friday, she won't straighten up the house so it's decent for me on the weekend? I have to get up early on Saturday, with sick kids, and THEN spend a couple hours cleaning up after her mess!!!

Why the %$&#$ do I have to clean the house with everything else I do around here?
OK, gotta go... I can't stand sitting in filth so I have to get back to %$&@# cleaning...


Active Member
my wife is cleaning the house right now.
sounds like you didnt train her right

my wife has 5 dogs so 95% of the mess around here is from them ,well thats what i think anyway.
have you ever asked her why?
my poor friend owns a landscape business and works around 70 hrs a week he will get home at the end of his day then 5 minutes later she dumps the kids on him and takes off somewhere,she dont work and he has to do his own laundry.
i can go on ,i feel sorry for him.
i do clean the basement because the dogs arent allowed down there its my mancave.
5 fish tanks big sofa cable tv and a pooltable room.
all mine .
well good luck .


Active Member
Because YOU will! Whoa Dude, you serious? She goes out and away all the time and you do the cleaning? Sounds like a case of nutolectomy. If this is a jab at reverse-sociology, as I suspect, I wonder how many will bite.


You teach people how to treat you. You're a lawyer...you should be able to negotiate a better deal
. From your side it sounds like the 50/50 is not working out so well. However, I can only guess her story would sound quite similar given the chance to rant. People are always inclined to think they do more. Hire some help


Active Member
You're all a bunch of ***...
Yeah, her rant would probably sound the same. She'd give you all the whole "being a mom is a full time job" crap. Meanwhile ignoring that I spend almost as much time with the girls as she does.
Granted I'm just pissed right now but it's not seeming like a 50/50 split to me. We are a ONE income family... she doesn't cook, barely cleans. WTF!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Hey man, just calling it like it is. If you're the sole bread winner and work most of the week, she should be doing most of the other half of things. It's not chauvinism, but the product of two people's chosen duties. If my wife was the bread winner, I'd feel an obligation to keep the house clean, do laundry, etc etc and I would do it. That's just balance, nothing else.
But it sounds like your balance is off. You're having to do the job of both parties, which is somewhat acceptable in moderation, but every weekend? When will YOU have time off?
Yes, sorry dude, whipped.


Originally Posted by crimzy
You're all a bunch of ***...
Yeah, her rant would probably sound the same. She'd give you all the whole "being a mom is a full time job" crap. Meanwhile ignoring that I spend almost as much time with the girls as she does.
Granted I'm just pissed right now but it's not seeming like a 50/50 split to me. We are a ONE income family... she doesn't cook, barely cleans. WTF!!!!
SORRY CRIMZ...When I had 4 small children and a full time (out of house) job too....I had absolutely no help...my EX was out all the time (drunk) or laying on his....(one reason he's the EX)
When I got remarried and moved to OK, and had 6 kids in the house (my 4 his 2) We decided it was best for me to stay at home...He worked, and since I was not working, I took care of kids, cleaned, cooked, ran errands...I did everything, BUT that was the choice I made when I chose to be at home with the kids..I did not feel that he should come home from work and have to clean, cook or do laundry
and I sure as heck didn't leave when he got here to go out.
..Now when I had to go to work due to financial reasons....then I expected some help....
Although I have to say this.....neither of us went out w/o eachother...so with 6 kids..lol...we rarely went anywhere, and if we did EVERYONE went.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
Hey man, just calling it like it is. If you're the sole bread winner and work most of the week, she should be doing most of the other half of things. It's not chauvinism, but the product of two people's chosen duties. If my wife was the bread winner, I'd feel an obligation to keep the house clean, do laundry, etc etc and I would do it. That's just balance, nothing else.
But it sounds like your balance is off. You're having to do the job of both parties, which is somewhat acceptable in moderation, but every weekend? When will YOU have time off?
Yes, sorry dude, whipped.
See post #8...


Active Member
Crimz what did you expect for responses? The Aquarium is populated with miscreants and jokers. Sorry for your trouble. I've just learned to live in third world filth. It makes life much simpler.


Active Member
Your poor kids seem to get sick a lot, just get colds or what? Who cleans up the yard after that Hippo sized Dog you have?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Your poor kids seem to get sick a lot, just get colds or what? Who cleans up the yard after that Hippo sized Dog you have?
It seems like my kids have been sick for pretty much the past 5-6 months straight. My daughter has had Krupp for a couple weeks now. She has been to the doctor twice but the doctor suggested that it may go away on its own and they didn't want to prescribe steroids. Well, my daughter was up all night last night and by this morning she was wheezing and bark-coughing. Finally the Dr. agreed to give us the damn medicine. There are too many a$$holes in the world.
BTW, I clean up the dog crap everyday.


Originally Posted by crimzy
It seems like my kids have been sick for pretty much the past 5-6 months straight. My daughter has had Krupp for a couple weeks now. She has been to the doctor twice but the doctor suggested that it may go away on its own and they didn't want to prescribe steroids. Well, my daughter was up all night last night and by this morning she was wheezing and bark-coughing. Finally the Dr. agreed to give us the damn medicine. There are too many a$$holes in the world.
BTW, I clean up the dog crap everyday.
Hey Crimz...did they ever teach you the karate chop method on the childs back to loosen up their chest....2 of my kids got the krup...a lung guy (??) showed me...you lay them on your lap (or on a bed) on their stomach...and do karate chop movements on their upper back...not hard of course, but strong enough to get some sort of vibration...I can tell you from experience that it helps


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Hey Crimz...did they ever teach you the karate chop method on the childs back to loosen up their chest....2 of my kids got the krup...a lung guy (??) showed me...you lay them on your lap (or on a bed) on their stomach...and do karate chop movements on their upper back...not hard of course, but strong enough to get some sort of vibration...I can tell you from experience that it helps
No, never heard of that... I may give it a shot. The medicine worked in the past for my other daughter.


I've been married for 27 years, we have 2 boys youngest will be 22 the oldest will be 25. I would have never gone out and left my boys home sick. My husband was and still is great with them, but when a child is sick they need mom.
I can tell you that some day your wife will know that she's made a huge mistake. I would have loved to have been a stay at home mom.
I had to work. We needed the money (still do).
There are a lot of working moms out there that keep a clean house and take care of the kids.
I would be


Active Member
Not wanting to sound harsh here please crimz. Seems like you are talking to the worng personpeople here. Time to sit down with here, a glass of wine, a loaf of bread, some grapes and talk it out. You both need to know how each other feel here and what is a good comprimise. Try to keep it light and to the points, not wanting an argument but a good discussion.
If that fails well some further thinking about it and where to go next needs to be done on your part. Don't know if it is counseling yet but I can tell you a little counseling between myself and my wife after our son was murdered helped us to get our minds around life again.


Active Member
Why don't you convey your post to her? Word for word ..
I think you need to find some middle ground here.


Active Member
Yeah, wifey and I started to talk/argue about this earlier. We will finish up when she gets home. There are going to be some changes in the Crimzy house.