wierd spongy q-tip looking growth ??


New Member
:help: Our tank has been growing these weird spongy, white, q-tip looking growths on the lr. I wasn't too concerned when there were just a couple/few, but they seem to be popping up pretty consistently all over the tank now. The largest one was about 1/2 inch in length so far. I haven't been able to locate any pics/info so any information is greatly appreciated. I'm worried it may be an indication of something wrong in the tank.
Many Thanks! : )


New Member
I found a few pics and they definitely appear to be sycon sponges. Thanks for the info :) Any ideas/suggestions on how to get rid of or them? Or at the very least, stunt the reproduction? I like them, but not enough to let them become a primary attraction.

bang guy

They are a permanent resident and actually filter water. Just scrape them off where you don't want them.