Wife went shopping without me !?!?


Ok guys, the wife just called and said she stopped at a lfs store that we've never been to before to "just look around." Shes now on the way home with a large serpeant star and an "electric" scallop. Does anyone have any experience with either of these guys. He also sold her phytoplankton to feed the scallop and said the star will just eat whatever it finds leftover from feeding others. Apparently this scallop has an electric surrent going throuhg it which you can see flickering. Any info would be cool, thanks.


Active Member
The Serpent star should be okay.... Just be sure to acclimate it properly. I don't know anything about electric scallops. :D


Active Member
Here's a bit of information I copy and pasted from another website:
"The Electric Scallop may grow to 3 inches. Omnivore, like to eat filter feed (invert food, brine shrimp, micro-plankton) a few times per week, when open.. The Lima species is generally peaceful toward other tankmates. Reef-safe. Many consider the Lima species a medium-maintenance specimen. Not venomous. Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F)."
Hope that helps. :D


When the scallop flickers, take a picture. It seems pretty intersting. And hey if it doesnt work, then you got a nice dinner!
sorry thats mean.


hey calylove, definately take a pic of the scallop, sounds pretty interesting, i might want to get one for my tank. if it survives in your tank that is.
email me if he makes it and is as cool as he sounds


Active Member
Are you sure the electric flame scallop has electric running through it? I dont think it dose I have seen pics and I think it is just like a bright neon blue line that runs on the outer inside edge of it. "but I could be wrong"


Active Member
My husband's NOT ALLOWED to buy anything for the tank. He called me yesterday from ***** where he stopped to get my daughter a airpump for her freshwater tank. He said they have a really cool fish here. Can I get it? It was a GREEN BIRD WRASSE and he also liked the Longnose Butterfly. I have a very peaceful tank that is going to be converted to a reef tank. Have a bunch of crabs and shrimps and at ***** no less! DUMBA$$.


Active Member
The electric scallops don't use electricity to make the blue streaking glow. It is a chemical called bioluminesce (spelling?). It lights up.
It's not just a blue neon line on the scallop's mantle. It isn't there all the time, but every so often the blue would streak across.


Bioluminescense is a very cool thing. A lot of people get fluorescense and bioluminescense confused. A really cool fish to check out is the Flashlight Fish.


Active Member
I have a flame scallop comeing and I have seen the electric flame scallops and was planning on getting one just later on down the road "they cost more than the flame scallop figured I would try the cheaper one to see if I could keep it alive first"


Active Member
I don't actually have an electric one, just the normal flame scallop.
Yea those flashlight fish are cool. At the LFS I work at we have 2. The only bad thing is that they ONLY come out at night.


how big of a tank do they need? have a small 20 gallon reef tank going, only been set up for a month, but want to get one for it. Would it work in this tank?


Active Member
Yes that tank size would work. These scallops need a lot of phytoplankton dosing though or else they starve.


Thanks for all the replies, my internet at home is down so i couldnt reply myself until today at work. The scallop is awesome. The "lightning" effect is like a constant flicker of neon blue at the base of all his long tentacles. Really looks cool. The serpent star is actually really cool too. It walks along like an octopus and also wrestled a piece of squid for my eel right off the feeding stick. I will work on pictures tonight and get em posted.
Oh they were $15 each plus she bought phytoplankton to feed the scallop. Actually how do you guys directly "shoot" the food into the scallop. I added a capful to the water and turned off my filters for 10 minutes or so but directing it right to him would be better i think.
Thanks again,


Active Member
I am getting a serpent and a flame scallop the star is $4.50 and the scallop is $5.00
On the feeding thing just use a straw. Im sure you have plaied in your soda when you were little! :D . Just dunk the straw in the phytoplankton and then put your finger over then end and pull it out you should have some left in the straw. Now just stick the straw end down infront of the scallop and remove your finger and it will come out of the straw and pour into the scallop. But note then end of the straw "the top part were your finger is" has to be above the water line or the air bubbles wont push the stuff out". HTH


Thanks snipe, thats a great idea. Ill just nee to work on a really long straw as my tank is so tall and deep.
P.s. where are you getting your star and scallop so cheap?