Wild caught snake ID?


Active Member
lucky you. I'm working on the head shy thing. he's coming around slowly. but still not 100% sucks that mites can get into the ridges and vents and live their entire life inside the nasal cavity to breed more. its a ridiculous challenge.
we rescued 2 young ball pythons from a place where there water bowl was dry and lined with dead fleas.... it was disgusting. and lo and behold they came with mites. I'mn terrified that my tokays may wind up with them I have no desire to try my luck with treating my 3 vicious Tokays for mites by bathing him (since he can run up any wall and bites like a mother). what a pain treating mites is. I have one of the treatments and am doing the SOP for mites but from one herp to another its about as scary as trying to defuse a bomb with a blind fold on and one hint "cut the blue wire" fortunatly the african bullfrog is immune, but neither my tokays nor the leopard gecko is.


Active Member
I try and quarentine everything I get in, but with this last shipment and getting 9 new snakes, I didn't really have that option. My only little peace of mind was that they came from a major breeder.
I've helped a friend combat mites before and it was horrible. He had 6 snakes and got in a new Blood Python. He didn't quarentine and before he knew it, everything had mites.
Listerine is also a good solution to bathe your snakes in...10% to a gallon of water. That and hosing their cages down with bleach.


Staff member
Good job AW with the rescue. I'd love to know exactly what you said to those ignoramus b a s t a r d s . I hope they all get permanent jock itch.
My 3 snakes all came to me with mites and ticks. Fortunately, it was easy enough to take care of, and I have had no problems since I first got them and cleared up the initial problem.
I'd love to see some pics of your enclosures. Do you own a warehouse? LOL
This snake may settle for crickets, at least until it's recovered from the ordeal. Did he get burned?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Good job AW with the rescue. I'd love to know exactly what you said to those ignoramus b a s t a r d s . I hope they all get permanent jock itch.
My 3 snakes all came to me with mites and ticks. Fortunately, it was easy enough to take care of, and I have had no problems since I first got them and cleared up the initial problem.
I'd love to see some pics of your enclosures. Do you own a warehouse? LOL
This snake may settle for crickets, at least until it's recovered from the ordeal. Did he get burned?
Oh, Beth...how I've missed you. I know you keep big snakes too and I've been wondering where you've been.
I released that little Brown Snake out in a preserved area...4 of 5 ponds, lots of fields and acreage...and that night, I still worried about him. lol I bet I told Heather 15 times, "Baby...I hope I released him in a good spot and he didn't get snatched up by some bird or something".
Anyway, Beth...how are your snakes? I think your girls need to get together with my 18', 214lb boy, Brutus and make some lovin'.
On a side note, while I'm still calling the media a bunch of $*!(&U$#+_#(&U@#(&...have you guys seen the video of the recently captured 18', 400LB Burmese, in Florida? This is absolutely absurd! My snake is bigger than this one and he barely weight more than 200lb.
The say this snake is 30" round and 400+ lb. Brutus, my biggest is 32" round and only weighs in at a little over 210lb. I hate the media.
I'm sure the next story is gonna be "With their razor sharp teeth...and once they taste human flesh..."


Staff member
We actually have a topic going about the big snake in Fla.


Active Member
Hit up a first annual, reptile show, yesterday.
I took in the smaller albino Burmese I just got in that trade, hoping to trade him off for something else, as I already have an albino male Burm.
Searched around, for a while, with no takers. Happened to notice that a guy had some totes hidden away and noticed a few Retics. I saw a Tiger Retic and asked to see it.
Handled him for a while and asked the guy if he had use for my albino Burm and his eyes lit up.
I ended evenly trading my albino Burm for a 6' - 7' male Tiger Retic, that's 100% het for albino.
I think I came out ahead, on that trade, to say the least. lol Within 15 minutes of him being home, he was pounding large rats. I'll get pics as soon as he settles in.


Active Member
Got pics of him, today. He's calmed down, alot.
Really nice, silver head. Most Tigers have yellow/orange heads. This is the first one I've seen with a silver head...may have something to do with him carrying the albino gene.



Originally Posted by AW2x3
Not full body shots, but even if they were, pics are always deceiving.
what other kind of retics do you have, our tiger looks very similar to yours, were mating him with our reduced pattern super tiger next year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Andezzzy
what other kind of retics do you have, our tiger looks very similar to yours, were mating him with our reduced pattern super tiger next year.
I have a normal male and female, this new male Tiger, a female Dwarf Jampea cross 100% het, an albino Tiger female, a male super Tiger 100% het and a male Super Dwarf, 100% het albino and poss het anxanthic.


Active Member
i used to breed snakes (mostly boas) for a while, and i always regretted the phone call from people who wanted to get rid of their retics. there is nothing worse than i 7'+ retic that hasnt been handled or cared for properly, well maybe a nilemonitor, but they cant spray musk the way a large retic can. beautiful snake its hard to beat the colors of retics.


Active Member
Honestly, I usually don't like Tigers or Super Tigers...especially once they get older. They're colors fade, etc.
Super Tigers (such as mine) have awesome color, as babies, but my personal opinion wanes, as they get older.
I picked up this Tiger because for one, Heather likes them. More importantly, (for me), I can breed him to my albino Tiger and make more albino Tigers. I can breed him to my Super Tiger and get Tigers, Supers, albino Tigers and albino Super Tigers.
I can also breed him to my Jampea and get Jamp Tigers (which are selling in the $3000 range).
There are 10 different things I can do with him...and 100 different things I can do with his offspring...and making quite a bit of money in the process isn't a bad gig either.