wildest thing you've witnessed?

beach bum

Just interested in the crazy behaviors/incidents you've all seen in your tanks. I'll start -
1) Green moray 'popping' then eating a dogface puffer
2) Green moray swallowing half of a tesselatta before finally spitting it out - was that a WILD struggle, unbelieveable thrashing
2) Spotted moray pooping out a lionfish carcass (in three pieces which I reconstructed like an archeologist)
3) Volitans lion trying to eat a baby clown trigger, the clown locked his trigger and was stuck in the mouth for a few seconds until the lion was able to spit it out
and on and on ... please do share ...:)


New Member
This isnt really amazing or anything, But I laughed my ass of at the time. I jsut fed my fish and as usual the crabs came out to eat, well I look around the corner and see one of my bigger Zebra legs munching on a Snail. Okay I was kinda mad but when he almosted looked at me and drug the snail around and turned his back on me I started to smile. Then he kept turninig around as if to see if I was still there. So I backed up away from the tank and I'll be damn he drug the snail back around facing the tank as he was and kept on going, I went back and forth with him for about a half hour. As for the snail, He was already had, I had been to late to save him. If any of you have had a snail picked on like this you know when it is to late. As for RECONSTRUCTION of FECES. I BOW TO YOU...lol


WOW! Thats some pretty unbelivable stuff, would have been fun yet sad to see so many fish go out in such ways. One of my most disasterous actually happend today. No one was hurt, although 1/4 of the tank was on the back of my dresser and getting lower by the minute. My prizm overflowed, all through the night and I actually herd some sort of water dripping and a very faint splatter but I thought nothing of it. This morning I wake up and I realize when my mom says "you better add some water to your tank" that there was a bunch of it missing. Anyways I turned off the skimmer and left for school, I was late already. Some other cool things I have expereienced with myself and the fish is my snowflake bitting me when I was holding out food, I guess I owe that to him not being able to see very well. My boxfish squirting water jets at me with his mouth and being able to recongnice the freeze dry food container when I took it out to feed him, by far my fish with the biggest personality. And having the biggest porsonality means being the biggest boss. He once fought with my puffer but he got bitten after that and never tryed the puffers beak again.


Active Member
I've seen hermits riding the back of the snail shell way up on the glass - that cracks me up.
I had a condy that one day all of it's tenticles were gone - like they have all been snipped off near the exact same spot.
Within a couple weeks - all had grown back and each had a purple tip now.
That was funky to see.
As I've mentioned before here - my red open brain coral has engulfed and eaten entire whole hermit crabs - shell and all. It's done this several times - and looks better each time afterwards.
Other than that - pretty much normal behavior out of the inhabitants.


Active Member
Slow day here in the aggressive forum. Almost 12 hrs. and no posts. Anyways on to the topic.
When my jeweled moray ate my flame hawk in 1 bite. I thought the flame was to big to fit in his mouth, guess I was wrong.


The only wildest thing I seen is when I fed my lion five 2.5"-3" long silversides in a row. I was surprised it was still wanting more after the fifth one.


I have a large volitans that once took 16 1" ghost shrimp in one feeding, and still acted as though he wanted more, but enough is enough. lol Besides, those things aren't too cheap, and I buy a few hundred at a time, can't afford to be pouring them down his throat. Not to mention, he had to have been cursing and begging for some Rolaids afterwards. He still hasn't learned his lesson, still wants to eat till he bursts. Have been feeding him very sparsely lately, trying to wean him to frozen.

beach bum

Not to mention, he had to have been cursing and begging for some Rolaids afterwards
That's what I thought about the eel that ate the lionfish (2 lions actually, a volitans and a russel's)!


I'm amazing, surprised and almost disappointed.
why in the heck would your morays be in the same tank as some of these fish? why would you keep a dogfaced puffer in the same tank as a green moray, or even a P volitans or P russells? Why does anyone think that in a small tank where no where to run these fish will be safe from a well known fish eater?
I've even tried to inform a LFS that has a 240gal tank w/ an lone adult dragon moray in it . They stupidly put in 2 2ft black tip sharks, and w/in one day the dragon took out one of them and after figuring out it couldn't swallow it esentially shreded it.
not cool


I do have to agree Frank...thats sad on the keepers part, should have taken more consideration and put themselves in the place of the lions and dogface.

beach bum

Give me a break, didn't know the spotted moray would eat large-ish lionfish - sorry I brought it up.
Umm, Frank didn't you have a lion that ate other lions? Let's not point fingers okay - I didn't enjoy seeing it but I saw it, and it was incredible to see, that's all.


Active Member
I'm also sure that was an expensive lesson to learn. Dogface's aren't cheap. We have all made mistakes at one time or another, hopefully we have learned from those experiences and will pass them on so others don't make the same mistakes.


I am not pointing fingers, and yes I had a large lion eat a smaller lion. Like yourself I didn't think it were possible. I bought a radiata lion which was at least equal to 1/3-1/2 the size of the volitans, IMO no way in heck could my volitans eat this thing. Yes i was wrong and it wasn't cool, and after this incident the P. volitans was removed.
I certainly understand your feeling-my eel can't eat a large volitans, but from reading it appears it ate a dogface, then a tesselata eel, then the volitans.
I've never personally kept a green moray, but i have friends w/ them and its seems to me (from listening to them) that this eel is aggressive, and will takeout tankmates regardless of size and demenor.

beach bum

You are right imo that they best be kept alone in a tank. The story has more to it than appears (as always) - so give this a read.
- I added the spotted moray and it did fine with dogface, hispid, miniatus and russels.
- About a week later I added the volitans - next day I didn't see it, figured it might be hiding cause I have a ton of rock.
- Next day still not there and now the russels is gone.
- I move the spotted into the green moray tank, thinking they will (hopefully) cohabitate.
- Spotted moray 'freaks' out & leaps from tank (here is where he puked or pooped out (didn't quite see which) the lionfish carcass.
- Move (much smaller) green moray into main tank until I can return the spotted.
- Green moray puts puncture marks in the miniatus and eats the dogface (insert me watching this and 'beating' on the green moray with the feeding stick to get him to let go, he didn't)
- Return spotted, move green back to his tank, see a tesselatta at the lfs and decide to try mixing with the green (since I would be adding them at the same time in this case) - didn't work and now I have a badly beaten (but will recover) tesselatta in a third quarantine tank.
Yes this all happened inside a couple of weeks, it's been really a wierd scenario, and that is why I wanted to share all the wackiness...
that is why I snapped at you... my apologies Frank, I do appreciate your input and enjoy reading your posts (I read more than I post)
did that make any sense?!?!:confused: :) :confused: :)


I was working at my LFS when the "new guy" decided to show off his skills in hand feeding our very large clown trigger... bad move one of the customers asked him a question an the poor guy neglected to remove his thumb from over the surface of the water.... well the clown thought it looked like a fat lil shrimp an WHACK.... needless to say i had to pry a trigger off of someones thumb... but in the end everyone was ok and the "new guy" got a lesson on who was boss.


New Member
one thing that is funny to see in my tank is when my lawn mower blenny goes and poops on the hermit crabs. He does this a lot its like he does it on purpose.
every time he does it, its like the hermits know it is going to happen and they hide in their shell! ;)


Well I dont know about all that but my Zebra moray stays in his home all day and the coral beauty and the powder blue tang will fan food at him with there tail and he eats and goes back in his home. There like little slaves to the master!:D Ohh and my Box fish knows when it's feeding time I usualy feed em Formula 2 and he knows what the package looks like.


Clown Triggers are THAT mean? There is one on the back cover of my book (insert plug here) THE CONSIENCOUS MARINE AQUARIST...it looks like its at least 2 feet long, only thing is, a diver is holding onto it!
I know this is a old thread but, a while ago I was watching my clowns host a new anemone and I seen the funniest thing. This little tiny hermit would walk by the anemone (hosted by clowns) and the clown would pick up the hermit and throw him directly into the middle of the anemone. When the hermit tried to crawl out he would do the same thing and he didnt let him leave for the entire day. So enough was enough and I didnt want thehermit to die so I picke dhim up and put him on the other side. Safe to say he learned his lesson and now never goes on the sandy bed, always perching on the top of the highest LR. lolol.