will a Mandarin Dragonet eat amphipods?


I would like to someday get one of these fish, and i have amphipods in my tank just wondering if Mandarin Dragonet will eat them? Or do i have to get copepods. Still learning here. Sorry if this seems like a dumb queation.


im not sure i know that mandarins need "pods" to survive and i know copepods fall into this category i would guess that amphipods would be a sufficient food source

bang guy

Yes, most species of Amphipods are on the menu. Ostracodes are the ideal food but a variety is best.


the key to mandarins is that you have to have a well established tank with lots of live rock. this way there is no way for the mandarin to eat all of it's food source. you can create a breeding ground for the pods in the tank by putting a pile of small pieces of rock for it to have shelter from outside predators to breed in.


Active Member
My mandarin will not touch or even look at any prepared foods whatsoever. ALL he does all day is look for and eat pods. He is a POD EATING MACHINE!