Will a Mandrin eat amphipods?


Active Member
anyone see them eat amphipods? i know all the reading says copepods but can they survive and fluirish with amphipods in their diet??

bang guy

Amphipods are certainly on the menu for Dragonets. Their favorite and most nutritious food is the Ostracod.


Active Member
good to know... Ive never had been able to see copepods in my tank because i really don't know what im looking for. (i see the pictures of them online though). I have tons of amphipods everywhere... its funny because i think they molt because i see their skelton floating around... im going to need to google this Ostracod, never heard of one, hopefully i have some though.. Im biding my time to have a heavy stock of pods before i get the mandrin... Thanks Bang


Active Member
if your looking for copepods the easiest way to recognize them is if you think of an amphipod as a dot the copepod is a speck, teeny little buggers.
and mandarins are quite the voracious predator (believe it or not) they will eat anything the can spot that will fit in their mouths that is alive and not wiley enough to get away. the hard part is (usually) getting them to eat dead food, or our prepared foods. its amazing how fast a mandarin can strip a tank of its population of pods, which is why for many years the rule has been larger established tanks rather than smaller tanks. so the population of pods is both large enough to sustain constant predation and resilient enough to out breed the non-stop eater that mandarin are. and they dont (stop eating that is) unless its sleeping a mandarin is generally on the search for its next micro-morsel of food.

bang guy

Nighttime is the best time to look for Copepods because their eye glows red when you shine a flashlight on them. Pretty much any tiny critter that only has one eye will be a Copepod.


Well-Known Member
You guys have got to be kidding...LOL...I have to look for the dots eyes???? I can't tell if the dots I see are tank dust from the rocks or copepods, and the only way to tell is to look for their beady little eye....any critter with 1 eye is a copepod.
I fear that I shall never see.... the copepod looking back at me.