Will clown host "fake" anenome?


New Member
This may be a silly question but do you think that a clownfish will host a "fake" anenome? May lighting is not good enough right now to house one and I thought for 5 bucks i may give it a shot.


New Member
I wasnt planning on putting it in my tank but thought that it would be funny if one did....and sorry I meant the anenome hosting the clown.


Well-Known Member
Yes clowns are fine without one...and yes they will wallow a fake one. They also wallow corals, (some to death) and input and output tubes of canister filters. They are strange little fish...mine for the last 5 years I've had them, just swim in a corner...I don't like them much.


New Member
Yea I know what you mean. I had a pair several years ago in my 180 and you could never find them because they stayed in the top corner all of the time. Luckily this time I have an eager one and she likes to roam. I just thought that it would be comical to put a fake nem in there. I also do know that my clown can do fine without a nem, sorry that the post seemed like I had to have one for it to survive.